The Heinrich-Boll-Foundation, affiliated with the Green Party of Germany is a legally independent political foundation. The Foundation's primary objective is to support development of democratic political culture and the civil society. Goals of the regional scholarship programme: The scholarship programme fosters scien
It is first year Georgia joins the movement. Ilia Chavchavadze State University organizes public screening of documentary "Day After Peace" (Jeremy Gilley, 77 min.) in support of the movement. Join us at Iliauni , build. A (I. Chavchavadze Ave. 32), 101 auditorium, at 18.00. Entrance is free. In 1999, preoccupied
On September 11, a regional meeting of UN Modeling took place at the Ilia Chavchavadze State University. UN Modeling, which is an acknowledged and approved game throughout the world, is regularly organized for the school pupils, university students and representatives of the governments of different countries. By the m
On September 8, representatives of the centers „Professional Support of Teachers" and „Professional Development of Teachers of Foreign Languages" (both centers operate at the Faculty of Education of the Ilia Chavchavadze State University) met with teachers from Rustavi. About 200 teachers of Georgian langua
An international summer school „Georgia and Western Integration - Progress and Obstacles" was launched at the Ilia Chavchavadze State University on August 24. According to the head of the program David Aprasidze, themes of the summer school produced more interest than initially expected. As a result participants
Study of Black Sea Dolphin started by Iliauni Life Science Faculty Masters' students in Grigoleti Balck Sea Research center. Expedition lead by prof. Zurab Gurielidze and assisted by prof.Bela Japoshvili and prof. Natia Kopaliani, is first ever special research of this species in Georgia. Iliauni boat Catherine hosted
Celebration Ceremony for Emeritus Title Awards at Ilia Chavchavadze State University13 professors of Iliauni have been awarded the emeritus respectful title Friday, July 10 at the ceremony at Ilia Chavchavadze University. Our university is the first ever high education institution to grant the title of Emeritus to full
AIESEC in Tbilisi offers to students and recent graduates Exchange programs in Central and Eastern Europe. It provides you with the opportunity to: Develop Leaderships; Gain international experience; work abroad, Build a global network by connecting to like-minded youth around the world; and enrich your learning and co
Saturday, June 27, was the graduation day for 1043 bachelors of Ilia Chavchavadze State University. These students are the first generation passed Unified Entry Examination to enter the university. Iliauni rector, Professor Gigi Tevzadze opened the ceremony: "Look critically to the world, search for logical links,
On June 22 the University lecture hall successfully hosted Jazz and Pop music evening. The event marked establishment of music centre at ILIAUNI and promoted high art of jazz among our students. The concert gathered splendid Georgian Jazz-musicians ranging from 12-13 year old to experienced professionals. The audience
The Program:The United States Embassy in Georgia is pleased to announce the annual competition for the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program. This one-year, full scholarship program is offered to mid-career professionals who have a proven track record of leadership, a public service commitment, and the capacity to take
Vom 21. August bis zum 6. September 2009 veranstaltet die International School of Caucasian Studies der Ilia Tschawtschawadse Universität eine Sommerschule zum Thema Georgien und die Westintegration - Fortschritte und Hindernisse Die Sommerschule richtet sich an Studierende deutscher Hochschulen. Angeboten wer