Ilia State University Library hosted the presentation on “Modern University Library” within the framework of the National Library Week. The employees of the library discussed ISU library resources, scientific e-bases, users’ statistic data, textual, photo, video and audio repository of e-library. The
Ilia State University Constitutional Research Center organized the meeting with the First Deputy Chief Prosecutor David Sakvarelidze. The meeting was designed for students of the Department of Law, within the framework of the Public Lecture Series. Mr. Sakvarelidze talked about the anti-drug campaign being conducted b
On May 2, 16:00, Ilia State University will host a public lecture on “The Beginnings of Latvian National Communism: Joining the Komsomol under Stalin” with participation of the International School for Caucasus Studies, within the framework of the TEMPUS project “Development of Model Doctoral Schools
Ilia State University and Academician G. Chapidze Emergency Cardiology Center will sign a memorandum of cooperation. The cooperation implies the implementation of joint scientific-research and educational programs. It supports the development of master’s program “Health Policy and Management” and pro
On April 25, 15:00, Ilia State University will host a presentation of the research “New Buildings Research - Price Analysis” by Iliauni Business Review. The research covers in-depth information on new buildings in Tbilisi. More precisely, it discusses the fixed price per square meter according to the distr
Ilia State University hosted the premiere of a documentary film “Starlit Stones” created by PIK TV. The film is a joint-product of TV project “Unknown Caucasus” and ISU Lab of Cultural Astronomy. Prior to the screening, Mr. Zurab Dvali, Author & Journalist of TV project “Unknown Cauca
Young actors of the Iliauni Theatre have just returned for the Youth Festival of Theatre and Film Schools ClASSSFEST, which was held in the Capital of Moldova, Chisinau. They performed a show "Arika do Varika" which is a musical built on the Georgian folk and Popular songs. The show was hosted by the full ho
On April 26, 17.00, the Iranian action film “The First Move”/"حركت اول" will be screened at Ilia State University Hall A 101 (Venue: Chavchavadze Ave. 32). Farhad Najafi is a film director and script-author. Starring: Elnaz Shaker-doost, Pooria Poorsorkh, Leila Otadi, Tirdad Kiani and others. Language: P
On April 24, 16:00, ISU Constitutional Research Center invites all interested persons to attend the meeting with the First Deputy Chief Prosecutor David Sakvarelidze. The meeting is organized within the framework of the Public Lecture Series. Venue: Chavchavadze Ave. 32, Hall A 101. The lecture will be dedicated
On April 24, 12:00, Ilia State University Library will hold a presentation on “Modern University Library” within the framework of the “National Library Week 2012”. The library resources, scientific electronic databases, e-library, e-catalogue and etc. will be discussed at the presentation. The
Ilia State University hosted the international conference “Catastrophes' Risk Management - Challenge for Development”. The conference was organized by Caucasus Environmental NGO Network, the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente (ITC) and Ilia State Unive
On May 16, 16:00, American Lawyers Ms. Diane Glauber and Mr. David Zisser will meet ISU students within the framework of the project “Community Development and Civil Rights - Experience Sharing”. Venue: Ilia State University Hall A 101. Students will be given the chance to get information on the legal aid