Film Premiere at Iliauni
Ilia State University hosted the premiere of a documentary film “Starlit Stones” created by PIK TV. The film is a joint-product of TV project “Unknown Caucasus” and ISU Lab of Cultural Astronomy.
Prior to the screening, Mr. Zurab Dvali, Author & Journalist of TV project “Unknown Caucasus” and Mr. Badri Jijelava, Director of ISU Lab of Cultural Astronomy, talked about the film.
As they underlined, the main track of the documentary film “Starlit Stones” is directed to study the archeo-astronomy of the megalith complexes in Georgia. According to this film, the expedition proved the existence and usage of astronomic knowledge in the ancient era of the Georgian history. Mr. Irakli Simonia, Associate Professor of ISU Lab of Cultural Astronomy, took part in the expedition.
The film premiere was open to ISU students and employees. The screening was attended by the film-creators as well.