On March 29, 17:00, Ilia State University Hall A 101(Venue: Chavchavadze Ave. 32) will host a screening of the Oscar–winning foreign language film “A Separation “(2011). Attendance is free.
On March 22, 16:00, Ilia State University will host a public lecture on “Election Reform in Georgia”. The lecture will be delivered by the Head of the Legal Committee of the Parliament Mr. Pavle Kublashvili. Venue: Chavchavadze Ave. 32, ISU Hall A 101 Attendance is free.
On March 23, 14:00, Ilia State University Hall G 106 will host a public lecture on “Essence of Constitutional Justice Model”. Speaker: Mr. Konstantine Vardzelashvili, Deputy Chair of Constitutional Court of Georgia. Venue: Cholokashvili Ave. 3/5 Attendance is free.
On March 23, 17:00, llia State University will host a presentation of the Carnegie Research Fellowship Program 2012-2013. Venue: Ilia State University Hall G 106 (Former Encyclopedia Building).
Ilia State University hosted a seminar on “Black Sea Biodiversity: Analysis of Current Situation”. The seminar was conducted by the Ecology and Conservation of Large Mammals program with support of GIZ. The seminar was headed by Zurab Gurielidze, Professor at ISU Institute of Ecology. Mr. Gurielidze review
On March 22-23, Ilia State University will host a session of AFELSH executive committee. AFELSH (Association des Facultés ou Etablissements de Lettres et Sciences humaines) is one of the most important francophonie networks, being established in 1994. Since 2010, Ilia State University has been a representa
On March 21, 15:00, Ilia State University G 106 conference hall will host a presentation of the research “The Most Demanded Professions and Top 30 Employers” by Iliauni Business Review (IBR). IBR studied the announcements of the most popular two web-portals in Georgia (www.jobs.ge and www
In frames of Erasmus Mundus exchange program EUROEAST accepting documents will continue including February 20. Detailed information about the project can be found on the following link: http://www.euroeast.polito.it/ For additional information please address International Relations Office at Ilia State University (Cho
First of all I would like to greet you from the name of Ilia State University College of Law. As you know, ISU College of Law was established in 2012 after splitting Iliauni Business School into two independent colleges, in particular, business and law. At present the college of law has 968 students. The number of stu
On March 27, 13:00, Ilia State University Hall G 106 (Venue: G. Tsereteli 2, Former Encyclopedia Building) will host a public lecture on “Communication in Sport Management”. The lecture will be delivered by Vasil Liparteliani, Doctor of Physical Education & Sport. The approaches to effective communicat
On March 14, Ilia State University hosted a presentation of the research “Top 50 Companies of Georgia” conducted by Iliauni Business Review (IBR). The broad society got information about the works of the successful companies being released according to their turnover. This research was carried
On March 23, 2012, 16:00, Tbilisi City Court Judge Vadza Pukhashvili will deliver a lecture on “Jury” for students of Law Department at ISU Hall A 101. Vadza Pukhvashvili was a judge at the second jury trial. Mr. Pukhvashvili will share his experience with students. At the end of the lecture, students will