
Meeting with American Lawyers


On May 16, 16:00, American Lawyers Ms. Diane Glauber and Mr. David Zisser will meet ISU students within the framework of the project “Community Development and Civil Rights - Experience Sharing”. Venue: Ilia State University Hall A 101.

Students will be given the chance to get information on the legal aid system and familiarize with the experience of the American Lawyers. Mr. Irakil Kobidze, Director of Legal Aid Service, will talk about the legal aid system in Georgia.

The development of Community Benefits Agreement took start in the United States of America, California in particular. The Community Benefits Agreement implies the contract signed by a developer and local population (community groups) in the process of implementing specific investing projects. The local government could be one of the parts or participants of the agreement. The signatories are committed to meet their obligations undertaken through this legal document.

The Legal Aid System of Georgia started functioning in 2005 by the way of several pilot programs, which were financed by international donor organizations. On June 19, 2007, the Parliament of Georgia adopted the law on Legal Aid, covering the territory of Georgia. Currently, the system provides the advocacy service only for the criminal and administrative cases while the administrative tort claims imprisonment.  The Consultation and drafting of legal documents for socially vulnerable population are available in civil or administrative cases.

For additional information on the project, please visit the link>>

The project implemented within the scope of the Legislative Fellows Program (LFP).

Supported by American Councils for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS, with funds provided by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State.  Neither of these organizations is responsible for the views expressed herein.

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