Poet George Kekelidze, Director of National Parliamentary Library, met ISU non-Georgian speaking students concentrating in the Educational Training Program of Georgian Language. Mr. Kekelidze talked about the new projects of the library. As he underlined, one of the priorities of the new management would be linked t
Ilia State University hosted a presentation of the research prepared by Iliauni Business Review (IBR). Iliauni Business Review (IBR) studied the huge and network bookshops in Tbilisi: “Biblusi”, “Laterna”, “Ligamus”, “Parnassus” and “Book House”. The research
On April 10, at 6:00 p.m., Ilia State University will host a public lecture on “Challenges to a Sustainable World: Role of Public Policy in Georgia” by Dr. Robert Melnick, Professor at Arizona State University. Venue: ISU Hall G 106, G. Tsereteli 1. Attendance is free. Dr. Melnick has been an
On July 3, 2012, Ilia State University organizes a scientific conference “Sociology in the Turbulent Time”. The time we are living in offers the opportunities alongside with various challenges which require in-depth sociological analysis. The young researchers interested in the current challenges facing to
The European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) regularly organizes summer schools for PhD candidates in political science. The 7th summer School in Methods and Techniques is planned on 27 July -11 August 2012 in Ljubljana. In line with its main objective to support promising young researchers from the South Cau
Ilia State University hosted the documentary film festival HumanDOC “Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia”. The films dedicated to the problems of different countries were screened at the festival. Afterward, the audience discussed the current troubles. The festival covered three days: the first day was
Ilia State University Autism Center in cooperation with the Georgian Autism Association has already celebrated the Autism International Day for two years. The exhibition was organized at the Headquarter of TBC Bank and people were given the opportunity to embrace the art-works created by the artists with autism spectr
Mr. Gigi Tevzadze, Rector of Ilia State University and Ms. Nino Khoperia, Chairman of the Notary Chamber of Georgia, signed a memorandum regarding the education and professional cooperation. At the meeting, they talked about the importance of the memorandum and its goals as well as discussed the concrete activities. T
On April 4, 15:00, Ilia State University G 106 Conference Hall (Venue: G. Tsereteli 2, Former Encyclopedia Building) will host a presentation of the research prepared by Iliauni Business Review (IBR). Iliauni Business Review (IBR) studied the huge and network bookshops in Tbilisi: “Biblusi”, “Laterna&
On Saturdays, at 13:00, Ilia State University will host the public lectures in Physics and Astronomy. Venue: Chavchavadze Ave. 32, ISU Hall A 101 Attendance is free.
Ilia State University hosted a presentation of the loan research of the microfinance organizations. The research was prepared by Iliauni Business Review (IBR). It covered the period from March 1 to 18. 15 organizations were studied. The following products were reviewed under the project: mortgage loans, co
On April 3-4, Dr. Zakaria Purtskhvanidze, Head of bachelor’s and master’s programs of Linguistics at Goethe University Frankfurt, will deliver a public lecture for students and professors of Ilia State University. April 1.3; 14:00 The Advantages of Corpus Linguistics April 2.4; 15:00 The Structure of In