Ilia State University Bookstore “Ligamus” hosted a presentation of the book “Political Elites, Ideas and Foreign Policy: Explaining and Understanding the International Behavior of Small States in the Former Soviet Union”, as a valuable outcome of the research project supported by the Academic Sw
On March 30, 16:00, Ilia State University and the Notary Chamber of Georgia will sign a memorandum of cooperation. The memorandum aims to raise awareness of students in the field of justice, to share competency and knowledge with them as well as develop their professional skills. The memorandum will be signed by Ms. N
On April 3, 16:00, Ilia State University and Supreme Court of Georgia will sign a memorandum of cooperation at Ilia State University Hall A101. The memorandum aims to share the experience with students for their further development and mastering. The memorandum will be signed by Konstantine Kublashvili, Chairman of th
The conference “Public Policy in Action: Promoting Sustainable Development” was held on March 16-17 in Batumi. The event aimed to discuss the role of public policy in sustainable economic growth of the country. The conference was attended by experts working in different fields, public officials and
Mr. Vadza Pukhashvili, Tbilisi City Court Judge, delivered a lecture on “Jury” at Ilia State University. Vadza Pukhvashvili was a judge at the second jury trial. Mr. Pukhvashvili shared his experience with students, discussed the case of USA and highlighted the positive and negative aspects of jury service
Mr. Konstantine Vardzelashvili, Deputy Chair of Constitutional Court of Georgia, visited Ilia State University and delivered a public lecture on “Essence of Constitutional Justice Model”. Mr. Vardzelashvili talked about the constitutional justice, discussed the system of common courts of Georgia and underli
Mr. Pavle Kublashvili, Head of the Legal Committee of the Parliament, visited Ilia State University and delivered a lecture on “The Election Reform in Georgia” for students of Law Department. Mr. Kublashvili talked about the latest updates of the election reform in Georgia, discussed current problems of the
The joint workshop of the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies of Tel Aviv University and ISU G. Tsereteli Institute of Oriental Studies will be held on March 28 in Tel Aviv. The workshop will be dedicated to the analysis of the revolutionary processes and its importance in modern regio
Ilia State University hosted a presentation of the research “The Most Demanded Professions and Top 30 Employers in Georgia” by Iliauni Business Review (IBR). IBR studied the announcements of the most popular two web-portals in Georgia ( and in accordance with professions, companie
On March 29, 18:30, Ilia State University will host a public lecture on “Turkey and the “Happy Arabia”: Middle East after the Arab Spring” by Prof. Alexander Murinson, Researcher and Visiting Professor at ISU International School for Caucasus Studies. The working language is English. Venue: Il
The conference “Public Policy in Action: Promoting Sustainable Development” was held on March 16-17 in Batumi. The event aimed to discuss the role of public policy in sustainable economic growth of the country. The conference was attended by experts working in different fields, public officials and re
On March 28-30, Ilia State University invites all interested to attend the documentary film festival HumanDOC “Europe –Caucasus-Central Asia”. The documentary films devoted to the current problems of different countries will be screened and discussed at the festival. The festival covers three d