Academic Biography:● BA Studies: Business administration, Ilia State University, 2007-2012● MA Studies: Sociology, Ilia State University, 2014-2016● Invited Lecturer, Introduction to Modern Though, Ilia State University, 03/2018-02/2019● Internship, Institute for the Analysis of Change in Contemporary and Historical So
Academic Biography: BA Studies: History, Politics and Culture, University of Georgia, 2005-2009 MA Studies: Social Anthropology, University of Bergen, 2012-2014 Research Assistant, Turkey as a F(actor) in the Caucasus, German Institute for Security and International Affairs, April 2015-July 2015 Supporting the Repatr
Study language: English Amount of allocated ECTS: 360 ECTS Awarded qualification/degree: Medical Doctor Code in NAEC registry: 0100117 Admission Type: Individual Admission Program Overview The educational program is based on Georgian Higher Education Medicine Sectoral Benchmarks and complies with the s
Ilia State University’s International Doctoral School (IDS) announces a call for applications for seven scholarship positions in the doctoral program “Democracy, Human Rights and Religion”. The joint project between Ilia State University and Westfälische Wilhelms-Universit&aum
Student mobility to the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (UGOE), Germany
Video Pitch Competition Ilia State University as the partner institution of the British Council’s Creative Spark Programme is pleased to announce the registration process to select ten teams for the Creative Spark Big Idea Challenge Video Pitch Competition. An enterprise video pitch competition is part of the Bri
On February 20th, 2020, within the framework of the ERASMUS+ Project MEDIATS: Training and Society Transformation, a meeting took place in Ilia State University book house ‘Ligamus’, during which Salome Gagnidze, representative of the Law School and project coordinator, talked about the project’s obje
law and liberty student club-Ilia state university, which was founded on November 17, 2016 by students of School of Law of Iliauni. The main projects of the club are for students of the School of Law, however, they cover different areas of all faculties of Iliauni as much as possible. The main club activities are: Pub
On February 15 th , at Terminal, the orientation meeting was held in the frames of the Big Ideas and Research Competition- Eccentrics, thus the competition was officially launched.The teams participating in the competition presented their one-minute pitches in front of theorganizers and the semifinalists were revealed.
Giorgi Chaladze, a Post-doctoral student and a researcher at Ilia State University published a scientific article titled- “ Estimation of Ground Dwelling Arthropod Densities Using” in Science Publishing Group as result of young researchers’ funding granted by Ilia State University in cooperation with
On February 10-13, a 3 -day workshop on Grounded Theory was organized by IDS of Ilia State University . The practical seminar was dedicated to the basic ideas and concepts of Grounded Theory methodology in theory and practice. During the highly interactive workshop, invited instructor from the University of Gottingen,
On February 13, Fablab held the next training of the Drone Pilot course, where participants were given the opportunity to receive detailed information: About components of a drone About the basic principles of aerodynamics About legal regulations of Drone During the meeting there was also discussed ways to creatively