On December 26th, Nikoloz Gogochuri- serial entrepreneur and a founder of the startup VRex Immersive will deliver a lecture in the frames of the Zoomout Pre-Accelerator’s programme. The title of the lecture- Talk to the Market. It should be mentioned that VRex Immersive is the very first startup company in the wo
On the 10th of December 2019, Mariam Albekioni, participant of the Carl Friedrich Lehmann- Haupt International Doctoral Program, held a talk using 3 Minutes Thesis format on her ongoing doctoral research project “Global Scale Rossby Waves on the Sun”. Mariam discusses shallow water equations in conditions o
There is already a pressing challenge faced by the higher education globally posed by the need to answer to the needs of a knowledge society. As an emerging field, however, the EU Studies face peculiar problems. The structural differences and divergent trends within the EU integration, frequently described as a fractur
On December 13th, ISU visiting lecturer and a pre-acceleration programme mentor- David Chechelashvili delivered a lecture for the teams participating in the Zoomout Pre-Accelerator Programme. The lecture title was: ,,How innovative products are created”. The pre-acceleration programme is delivered in the fr
On December 19, Giorgi Kheoshvili, a member of the Savle Tsereteli Institute of Philosophy, will deliver a lecture on "The Problem of Religious Anti-Semitism in Russian Religious Philosophy of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries" Abstract Anti-Semitism is one of the most dangerous and widespread form of religious an
On December 10th, Zoomout Pre-Accelerator’s pre-acceleration programme was officially launched and an informational meeting was held for the selected 9 teams participating in the programme. During the informational meeting the Zoomout and Fablab managers introduced the programme agenda and the planned activ
On December 13th, David Chechelashvili- a visiting lecturer at Ilia State University and a pre-acceleration programme mentor will deliver a lecture in the frames of the Zoomout Pre-Accelerator’s pre-acceleration programme. The title of the lecture- How innovative products are created. The pre-accelera
International conference workshop of the PRINTeL Project (CHANGE IN CLASSROOM: PROMOTING INNOVATIVE TEACHING & LEARNING TO ENHANCE STUDENT LEARNING EXPERIENCE IN EASTERN PARTNERSHIP COUNTRIES) was held at Ilia State University from 13 to 14 November 2019, participated by the following project partner un
In 2020, ISU is launching Sunday School courses for students aged 14 to 17 Goal of the Project Results from PISA (the OECD Programme for International Students Assessment) this year have further evidenced the fact that the state fails to deliver education responding to the requirements of our time. Accordin
The ISU Department of Student Affairs organizes a university pool championship for both male and female students on 13 December 2019, at the Rio Billiard Club. Only ISU students can participate. The qualification draw will take place half an hour before the competition. The winning students will be awarded with respect
As of December 1, 2019 Vasil Metreveli has assumed the office of the Carl Friedrich Lehmann- Haupt International Doctoral Program participants’ representative. His term as rep will last until the end of May 2020. Vasil is a second year PhD student and works on a doctoral thesis in the field of Forest Ecology.&nbs
On 7 December 2019, the ISU Department of Student Affairs, with the support of the Georgian Chess Federation, holds a university chess tournament in ISU E207. Only ISU students, both male and female, can take part in the tournament. The qualifying draw will take place half an hour before the competition. The winning st