Ilia State University in U.S. News & World Report Best Global Universities Ranking
Ilia State University is ranked 631th among the 1,750 top educational institutions from more than 90 countries around the world in the U.S. News & World Report Best Global Universities ranking, and shares this place with the University of Paris-Est Creteil (France).
It should be noted that Ilia State University took 137th place in the ranking list of 2022 Best Global Universities in Asia of the same rating.
The rating offers those wishing to continue their education to accurately compare institutions around the world by overall parameters of university’s academic research and reputation.
This rating is calculated by 13 indicators and weights that U.S. News chose to measure global research performance. Each of the university's profile pages on lists the overall global score as well as numerical ranks for the 13 indicators, allowing students to compare each university's standing in each indicator and making informed decisions.
Ilia State University ranked 415th out of 750 universities in the field of Physics (topics related to physics – the study of matter and energy. Topics include particle and nuclear physics, mathematical physics, quantum physics, and theoretical physics) and shared this position with the University of Fribourg (Switzerland), University of Porto (Portugal) and the University of Southern California (USA).
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