On January 24, 2011 Student Service Center Division of Scholarships, Employment and Lodging of the Ilia State University organized a training for students. The training was aimed to explain to the students how to write a Curriculum Vitae/ Cover letter, how to fill references correctly and familiarized them w
The second information meeting about the vacancies (I. Different Positions of Librarians II. Teacher of Information Literacy) announced by Library of Ilia State University will be held on January 26, 15:00, 2011. Venue: Tbilisi, I.Chavchavadze Ave. 32, Hall 101 (Ground floor) For detailed information about the vacanc
On January 21, 2011 the scientific conference on the topic “Climate Changes and Ecological Problems” was held at the Ilia State University. During two decades, the climate changes and its related problems receive more attention from the different branches of science. Today, the important scient
On January 17, 2011 the Ilia State University signed a cooperation memorandum with Alliance Group Holding and Eurasia Management House. The overall objective of the program is a support of Entrepreneurship Development in Georgia, as one of the priorities of the Ilia State University. On basis of the mentioned cooperat
On January 20, Deputy Chief of Mission of the USA Embassy to Georgia, Kent Logsdon donated 120 books by American authors on law, economics, politics and culture translated into the Russian language to the International School for Caucasus Studies of the Ilia State University. The books will be of great help to the Nort
On January 17, the Ilia State University signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Alliance Group Holdings and with Eurasia Management House to launch a training program in Entrepreneurship Development for young entrepreneurs in Georgia. This is part of Ilia State University’s strategy to support Georgian nationa
"The position of the Europe and America regarding Georgia's Euro-Atlantic integration is complicated. Europe is unable to take decision regarding Georgia's integration", said Professor Katlijn Malfliet from Leuven University on a public lecture at the Ilia State University. Professor Katlijn Malfliet is a Dean of th
The Ilia State University Literary Award for the Best Georgian Novel 2009-2010 was presented to Aka Morchiladze for his book "The Mamluk" (Bakur Sulakauri Publishing, 2009). The winner of the award was revealed on December 30, 2010 at an even in the Bookstore Ligamus. The author of the Best Novel 2009-2010 was prese
On December 29, 2010 a second hearing of the moot court was held at the Ilia State University. The project prepared and carried out within the framework of the Ilia State University Soviet and Post Soviet academic teaching, is based on the legal concept of the Nuremberg Trials. The 1921 episode of the Occupation of
By the end of 2010 Ilia State University Press published Georgian translations of "Dandelion Wine" by Ray Bradbury, "Blood Sport" by Dick Francis and "The Color of Magic" by Terry Pratchett. The presentation of the new translations was held on 27 December 2010 in the Bookstore Ligamus. Translation of the books was und
Professors and researchers of the Ilia State University Institute of Earth Sciences discovered some artifact form the so-called Acheulian period of the Paleolithic Era while visiting the Martvili Museum. This is an especially important discovery also because Acheulian monuments are extremely scarce on the ter
On 21 December Ilia State University presented the results of the project "Student Employment at the Library". The administration of the Library awarded certificates of participation to the students involved in the project. Students showed a film and a presentation describing their experience gained during the project.