
New Training Program in Entrepreneurship

On January 17, the Ilia State University signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Alliance Group Holdings and with Eurasia Management House to launch a training program in Entrepreneurship Development for young entrepreneurs in Georgia. This is part of Ilia State University’s strategy to support Georgian national economic development through education and training.

Ilia State University, in cooperation with Eurasia Management House LLC will provide training in Entrepreneurship Development where young men and women will learn how to plan, finance and operate small and medium businesses in agriculture, agro industry, small scale manufacturing, tourism and other services. Microfinance Organisation Alliance Group will provide student loans of up to GEL 700 per student and will offer financing for small and medium businesses when trainees have successfully completed their training program and have decided to launch a small business. For those not wishing to set up businesses, the training program offers them a clear opportunity to enhance their business skills and seek employment.

The Entrepreneurship Training program is headed by Guy de Fontgalland, a Harvard educated international expert in management and business development who has worked with the United Nations Development Program and the World Bank Group as well as with commercial banks in Asia and Europe. He also serves as International Advisor to the Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India. 


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