CA23149 – “Democratization at stake? Comparing Anti-Gender Politics in CEE and NME countries (Antigender-Politics)”
The main objective of the COST Action is to comparatively research and discuss anti-gender politics in Eastern Europe and neighbouring countries through its academic events and to disseminate these findings. It will represent systematic uncovering of how the rise of anti-gender and anti-feminist mobilizations is linked to the decline of democratic norms and structures. Action will promote equality by comparatively examining mechanisms, actors and discourses that oppose it. It will systematically connect researchers and activists with expertise on anti-feminist and anti-gender politics, as well as those who are developing feminist counterstrategies.
To coordinate, activate and energize COST Action, the following targets are set:
- Broaden and systematize the state of research on countries in the target regions by developing a comparative gender politics perspective to systematically observe and investigate the relationship between anti-gender and anti-feminist mobilizations, the ascent of de-democratizing and authoritarian tendencies, and the decline of democracy in a manner that focuses on comparison between EE and the NME and within these regions.
- Develop self -reflective, compatible, and/or cohesive and mutually supporting data collection and analysis methods aligned with the developed comparative gender politics perspective to secure the robustness and comparability of the research findings in different contexts. Under this objective, methodological innovation is also targeted. This is necessary to advance the depth and accuracy of comparison. Innovation will be achieved thanks to transdisciplinary character of the network.
- Establish an international database of resources, bibliographic references, and related publications.
- Establish an international digital platform to communicate and disseminate the research results in the form of perspective papers/essays, monitoring reports, online tutorials, and policy briefings.
- Develop strategies for effective public communication and citizen-led democratic deliberation on the topics fuelling anti-gender and anti-feminist mobilizations.
A total of four working groups will be established, including colleagues from EE and NME countries, as well as early-career researchers, innovators, and NGOs. Those working groups are:
WG1: Revealing the historical, social-political, and economic background conditions
WG2: Deciphering the triangle of state, civil society, and anti-gender actors with a focus on politicized religion
WG3: Rethinking activism and forms of oppositions with a focus on unexpected allies
WG4: Dissemination and outreach activities
Keywords: antigender mobilization, anti-feminism, women's rights, democratization, social transformation
Co-lead of the working group four (WG4) is PhD candidate of the Ilia State University and the University of Göttingen (Cotutelle), participant of the Lehman-Haupt International doctoral program (LHIDP). ( She is also a member of all other working groups.
Managing committee is comprised from the representatives of various institutions and universities across Europe. Such as: Martin-Opitz-Bibliothek, University of Helsinki, University of Belgrade, Metropolitan University of Prague, Comenius University in Bratislava, University of Zagreb, University College Bedër and Herder-Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe.
Project starts on 21st of December 2024 and ends on 20th of December 2028.
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