Connecting universities-industry through smart entrepreneurial cooperation and competitive intelligence of students in Moldova, Georgia and Armenia (CONNECT)
The Project CONNECT covers 3 countries from Region2 –Moldova (MD), Armenia (AM), Georgia (GE). This project will contribute to meeting the regional priority for all 3 countries: to intensify cooperation and dialogue between universities and industry. It supports the continuing reform of the higher education sector in MD, AM, GE. It does this by strengthening the capacity of teaching staff, students at all the levels and alumni and maximize the involvement of entrepreneurial education (especially for those who don’t automatically enter in contact with such studies) and practice throughout tailored and joint activities with industry, new digital tools, introduction of relevant improvements in curricula provision, thus directly contributing on the changes needed for the transformation, modernization of the sector.
The main objective of the project is to emphasize university-industry relationships based on the smart entrepreneurial approaches in HEIs from Eastern Partnership countries. The aim of the project is to encourage and support creative, supportive and motivating environment of SMART Cafes. Consequently, students will have the opportunity to be mentored, guided and advised by company representatives and university staff.
Project Coordinator: Moldova State University