Promoting Relevant Education in Science for Sustainability(PRESS)

Promoting Relevant Education in Science for Sustainability (PRESS)

PRESS aims at innovations in science education at schools and in the public understanding of science via innovation in science teacher education courses. PRESS teaching and learning materials will be prepared for pre-service science teacher education courses about the theoretical basics of sustainability and education for sustainable development (ESD), e.g. as described in the Agenda 2030 suggested by the United Nations, and its practical application in class – and beyond. PRESS tries to contribute to several of the overarching EU priorities, namely the Green Deal, digital transformation and the external dimension of EU policies in education.

The coordinator of the project is University of Bremen, Germany, co-coordinator - Ilia State University.

Project partners:

  • University of Helsinki, Finland
  • University of Klagenfurt, Austria
  •  Batumi University, Georgia
  • David Yellin Academic College of Education, Israel
  • Academic College of Arabic Education, Israel
  • Sultan Ageng Tirtayaza University, Indonesia
  • Negeri Malang University, Indonesia

Project coordinator: University of Bremen

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