History Student Club of Iliauni

History Student Club of Iliauni

In 2017, the History Student Club of Iliauni was created, which any student of Ilia State University can join.

The aim of the club is to promote the rising of the education level, to provide students with information, to share experiences and interests. It is also very important to organize educational events (public lectures, educational films, meetings with lecturers-professors, thematic excursions) with the involvement of students. In order for their potential not to be lost without a trace and for them to have a diverse student life, such activities are necessary, they will create a free environment in the university, where young people can develop their skills. The club serves this purpose.

Students joining the club will get to know the views of various authors and academicians, they will be able to engage in discussions with competent people and get answers to the issues they are interested in.

The members of the club will have the opportunity to interact with pupils and share experience with them - visiting schools is one of the activities of the club.

Those who wish to join the club, please send us your resume (CV) via e-mail or write to us on the Facebook page.



Contact Information:

Contact person: Nino Gabadze
Tel.: 598-27-14-54
Facebook page:

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