Civil and Construction Engineering Student Club of Iliauni

Civil and Construction Engineering Student Club of Iliauni

Civil and Construction Engineering Student Club of Ilia State University was founded in 2020.

In the fall of 2021, the club was recognized as an official student chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers and was given the appropriate title: American Society of Civil Engineers Ilia State University Student Chapter.

Main fields of the club's work:

Visit to Sites

  • Club members visit various construction sites at various stages of construction, get acquainted with construction technology, quality control mechanisms, safety standards, etc.

Visit to Engineering Companies

  • Members of the club periodically visit engineering organizations, where they learn about the design process.

Meeting with Guests

  • The club organizes meetings with invited guests, including professional engineers, representatives of construction and engineering companies.

Student Presentations

  • The club gives students the opportunity to make presentations on topics of interest to them and to other members of the club.

Objectives of the Club:

  • Professional development of students;
  • Promotion of student employment;
  • Introduction of correct information about civil and construction engineering to the youth and promotion of this field.

Any student can join the club. In order to do it, you need to send a resume or CV to the email:


Acting president of the club: Andria Bechvaya

Tel.: 571 079 571
Facebook page of the club:


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