Ilia State University the School of Law in the end of May and beginning of June will hold third championship in creating agreements. As you already know Ilia State University the School of Law is hosting Georgian Championship in Creating Agreement (techniques of creating). This year the championship will be held for
On March 18-22 Ilia State University the School of Law’s team was participating in imitated Investment Arbitration Moot Court tournament which is annually held in Frankfurt Germany. The main organizer and host of the event was the Law School of Goethe University. The participation on the first stage included pre
Ilia State University the College of Law held lecturers model presentations where those willing to give lectures at the College of Law were participating. This method of selecting lecturers was held for the first time and from now on will have a systematic character. Presentations were delivered in all directions of la
On April 3, 15:00 with the initiative of Ilia State University Art Research Institute's "Cinema and Media Communication Centre" the meeting with the professor of Vilnius Theatre and Music Academy and the director Giedre Bienoriute was organized. The meeting was attended by Iliauni professors, researchers, students and
The book shop “Ligamusi” held the awarding ceremony of Ilia State University’s essay competition “Introduction to the Modern Thought”. The event was opened by the organizer of the competition professor Tengiz Verulava and the rector of Ilia State University Gigi Tevzadze. According to them
On March 28 the Palace of Chess held Ilia State University students’ championship in chess. 24 students from Ilia State University were participating in the championship. Among them were bachelor, as well as master and PhD students. After long and tense play stages champions were named. The winners: I place -
AUTODESK program packages for study aims are already available! Ilia State University got Academic Resource Centre software maintenance grant from the company AUTODESK. Starting from today in the computer labs of the university teaching with using Autodesk licensed software packages is possible. University s
Ilia State University Academic Council and Ethics Commission carefully read the appeal from the head of the board of nongovernmental organization “Identoba”. It is mentioned in the letter that according to the views of the members of organization, the book by emeritus professor Aivengo Shatirishvili &ldquo
On March 22-24 Ilia State University hosted three day event – “Austrian Days – In Georgia 2013. The event was organized by Ilia State University Cultural Centre and Austrian Ministry of Education, Art and Culture. Three day program was the course to raise the qualification of German language teachers.
1. The date for the exam May 24-25, 2013 2. The registration date for the exam from March 27 to April 19 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 10:00-12:00, Friday 10:00-12:00, Saturday 11:00-16:00. 3. Those who want to register should fill out the registration paper, provide the copy of the ID and payment check on Basis Bank
Ilia State University in the auditorium G106 held informational meeting between TBC bank and Iliauni students which was organized by IBSCC - Iliauni Business School Career Centre. On the meeting the senior manager of human recourses management of TBC bank Tsisia Glurjadze presented credit officer internship program wi
European Consortium of political studies regularly organizes summer school for PhD students in political sciences. The 8th summer school in research methods is planned to take place in Ljubljana from July 25 to August 11 2013. Program “Academic Swiss Caucasus Network” with the aim to support PhD students i