
Spanish Language Certifying Exam (DELE)


1. The date for the exam May 24-25, 2013

2. The registration date for the exam from March 27 to April 19 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 10:00-12:00, Friday 10:00-12:00, Saturday 11:00-16:00.

3. Those who want to register should fill out the registration paper, provide the copy of the ID and payment check on Basis Bank account № GE55BS0000000000134585 and present these documents at Ilia State University, address: Cholokashvili 3/5, room E229.

4. As a registrar the employee of Ilia State University Tamar Kachakhidze should be appointed (The personality of the registrar is agreed with the responsible person Paola Mitre Ropero).

5. The costs of the exam according to the document sent by Cervantes Institute March 14, 2013 are:

Level A1       73 GEL       
Level A2       78 GEL 
Level B1       82 GEL 
Level B2      126 GEL
Level C1      144 GEL 
Level C2      159 GEL 

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