Model Lectures
Ilia State University the College of Law held lecturers model presentations where those willing to give lectures at the College of Law were participating. This method of selecting lecturers was held for the first time and from now on will have a systematic character. Presentations were delivered in all directions of law: private law, public law, criminal law and international law.
The committee that was evaluating the candidates consisted of the administrative members of the College of Law, lecturers with whom the school is collaborating already for years, and the majority of the committee was bachelor and master students of the Law School.
Carrying out the model presentations is important in the way that the administration of the College of Law is given the opportunity to listen to the lecturer and evaluate skills of presentation, communication with the auditorium and other abilities necessary for the lecturer and after that decide on the collaboration with them.
Another positive and important side that model presentations have is completing the committee with students. This gives a chance to them to listen to the lecture, ask questions, and hold discussions with lecturers and then decide on the future relations.
With this the College of Law gives students the freedom of choosing the lecturer not only using argus but also on the stating stage. They in coordination with administrative members decide the topic of collaboration with certain person which indisputably increases students involvement in the university life.