
The Announcement of Ilia State University Ethics Commission and Academic Council


Ilia State University Academic Council and Ethics Commission carefully read the appeal from the head of the board of nongovernmental organization “Identoba”.

It is mentioned in the letter that according to the views of the members of organization, the book by emeritus professor Aivengo Shatirishvili “Genetics and Society” is not satisfying the ethical standards of modern science and research. Accordingly, the organization demands:

  1. “Identoba” appeals Ilia State University Academic Council to have discussions about the non ethical work of Ivengo Shatirishvili and prevent using this book is study curriculum.
  2. “Identoba” asks the administrations of university and publishing house to prevent the realization of the publication.
  3. “Identoba” calls students and academic personnel of ISU to boycott author’s discriminative, non ethical and scientifically faulty work and do not purchase abovementioned publication.

Academic Council and Ethics Commission claims with full responsibility that Ilia State University has never held a research which, as it is mentioned in the letter from “Identoba” “dealt with Lesbos, gays and bisexuals as people having psychological disorders”. Also, ISU never conducted a research which aimed at “finding ways of treating homosexuality as pathology”. This will not happen in the future as well because for preventing such non ethical and destructive research Ilia State University has Ethics Commission which works according to the international standards.

At the same time the fundamental principle of Ilia State University is to protect and promote academic freedom. Expressing her/his opinion by professor, even in printed form, cannot became the issue for administrative persecution. Science, in opposition to the common sense, develops on the bases of partly groundless and often scandalous for that moment hypothesis and theories. Administrative persecution of the thought is ineligible because this persecution will limit the right of scientist to feel protected in the walls of university and freely express her/his ideas which on its side will prevent the development of science. The latter is the first duty of the university.

About the issue of teaching: University as a place where students are thought is the world of the freedom of choice. Accordingly, if for particular student the ideas expressed by the professor during the lecture are unacceptable she/he can leave the course and choose the other (such cases have happened at out university). Furthermore, the course by emeritus professor Ivengo Shatirishvili is elective students are not forced with the administrative rule to take this course as a necessary study program.

It has to be mentioned again that professor Shatirishvili’s book is expression and discussion of ideas and not the research process, against which the majority of this resolutions and advertisements is directed and which are the fundamental for the representatives of “Identoba” in their letter.

Additionally, it has to be mentioned that in the book by professor Shatirishvili one cannot find hate speech and the examples of appeals for violence.

Accordingly, due to abovementioned and relying on university’s three main principles – academic, choice and moral freedom, Academic Council and Ethics Committee refuses to satisfy the proclamation of “Identoba” to forbid the book by Professor Aivengo Shatirishvili. We understand that the members of the organization have noble goals among which is one main – obliteration of any kind of discrimination. Academic Council and Ethics Committee agree with this aims of the organization and because of this agreement considers impossible to satisfy its demand.

Members of Academic Council:

Maia Rogava

Giga Zedania

Gigi Tevzadze

The members of Ethics Committee

Natia Kopaliani

Tamar Tsopurashvili

Natia Koberidze

Giga Zedania

Zaal Kikvidze

Rezo Marsagishvili

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