Number of admissions: 21 vacant places Type of university exam: oral exam Awarded academic degree: Master of Science in Ecology (MSc in Ecology) Short Description: The aim of the program is to train highly qualified researchers in the field of ecology, who will be competitive both in the employment market and in furthe
The Child Development Institute is a multi-profile institute under Ilia State University creating the opportunity to get education, conduct research and enjoy quality service in the field of child and adolescent development. At present, the clinic comprises 4 centers. The Mission of the Institute The mission of the Ins
A quartered ‘European’ Shield. In the first quarter, six silver open books, against a maroon field, signify the six faculties of the university. The books feature, in Latin, the three freedoms that form the basis of the university: Academic Freedom, Freedom of Conscience, Freedom of Choice. I
Ilia State University is a member of the following associations and networks: Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie - AUF Association des Facultés ou Etablissements de Lettres et Sciences Humaines - AFELSH Black Sea Universities Network - BSUN Compostela Group of Universities - CGU EUA Council for Doctoral Ed
The main administrative bodies of Ilia State University are: Academic Council Representative Council Rector Vice Rector Chancellor Quality Assurance Office The highest administrative body of the university is the Academic Council chaired by the Rector.
The Student Self-Government of Ilia State University, a team elected by students, officially represents them at the faculty councils of the university. The Student Self-Government ensures that students' opinions and positions are taken into account in the process of making important decisions. It also protects the righ
Ketevan Darakhvelidze Ilia State University Chancellor (Head of Administration) Ketevan Darakhvelidze is the Chancellor of Ilia State University, holding the position since February 1, 2024. She joined the university's administrative team in January 2011 and has held various leadership roles, including serving as the
The representative body of the university is the representative council. Its members are elected from the representatives of the university’s faculties, by the academic personnel and the student body representatives. The representative council members are elected for a 4 -year term, in an open, anonymous, e
The academic council of Ilia State University is the highest elected administrative body. Its members are elected by the members of the various faculty councils and representatives of the student body, in a free, anonymous, election process. A member of the Academic Council is elected for a term of 4 years. 
Unifood is Ilia State University’s dining provider. Unifood cafeterias are located at the A building (Chavchavadze 32) and the E building (Cholokashvili 3/5). Unifood has a director and a head chef, while each location is run by a manager, cooks, and waiters. Unifood offers its services to students, f
ილიაუნის მუსიკის ცენტრი 2009 წლიდან არსებობს. ცენტრის ლექტორები დარგის წამყვანი სპეციალისტები და დიდი გამოცდილების პედაგოგები არიან. ჩვენი პროგრამების კურსდამთავრებულები სწავლას ევროპისა და ამერიკის საუკეთესო უნივერსიტეტებში აგრძელებენ. ჩვენ მივესალმებით ყველას, ვისაც მუსიკის სიყვარული ამოძრავებს. ჩვენს პროგრამებზე სწა