301 professors and 311 researchers 18 Emeritus Professors 16 046 Students 1 Schools and 3 Faculties: Faculty of Arts and Sciences Faculty of Natural Sciences and Medicine Faculty Business, Technology and Education School of Law Around 50 Bachelor’s and around 50 Master’s programs. Around 30 re
Our Mission is grounded in its values and vision, defining the University's role in societal development and outlining its functions for the next seven years. The mission of Ilia State University is to create, disseminate, and apply knowledge to advance scientific progress and societal development, both locally and int
Argus is an electronic selection system, which was specially created for Iliauni students and helps them plan their learning process effectively and contributes to their awareness. For detailed instructions, you can watch a video tutorial about Argus functionality and infrastructure or view a guide. Argus has two modes
“The European Neighborhood in Perspective”Public Expert Round Table withEuropean, Georgian and Ukrainian Experts7 October 2014, 11:00a.m. – 06.30 p.m. at Ilja State University, TbilisiOn the 7th of October 2014, from 11:00 to 18:30, Ilia State University will host The Public Expert Round Table “
Iliauni Student University Fair is held on Monday, October, 6, 11:00 am – 6 pm, B 202 hall. You can learn about Iliauni student services, student government, 30 student clubs, theatre, library, bookstore “Ligamus”, music center, children and adolescents’ development clinic and numerous pro
The book house Ligamus is a project of Ilia State University, which brings together several functional spaces. Ligamus offers to the students of Ilia State and the public at large a book shop, a café, a reading room, a children’s room, and free Wi-Fi. Ligamus has a wide selection of books. Book lover
Dance Student Club of Ilia State University was established in 2016 and has been actively participating in various competitions and choreographic shows since then. The goal of the club is to unite students interested in Georgian folk dances, to give them an opportunity to have an active student life and to do what they
Institute of Comparative LiteratureConjointures -Société de Langue et de Littérature médiévales d'Oc et d'Oïl Fifth International Comparative Literature Conference:Parallel and Intersecting Themes in Literatures of Occident and Orient29-30 September, 2014Presentation time: 20 min
The Debate Club was created in 2012 by the initiative of the “Georgian Institute of Debate and Education”. The club unites students of all levels of the university and holds weekly meetings, within which students study Karl Popper and formal debates of the political format; complete group exercises and prac
The Ilia State University Theatre, the first professional theatre in Georgian higher education setting, was opened in 2010 on the premises of once celebrated Theatre Basement in Vake. The Theatre operates as a venture project, inviting different directors and groups of actors for its performances. Hence, it is no
Ilia State University hosts world-renown political scientist and philosopher Francis Fukuyama and Stanford University Professor Erik Jensen, on September 2, 5 p.m.Presentation subject: State Building, Civil Society and ReligionThe meeting is held under Stanford University CDDRL and EPRC partnership, in scope of the Lea