Ilia State University Italian Culture Center holds international conference L`italiano: da Petrarca in poi…“on November 20, 2014. The conference is dedicated to famous Italian poet Francesco Petrarch. Themes: Main theme of the conference is Italian Studies. Conference presentations
On September 2, 17:00, Ilia State University will host world-acclaimed political science and philosopher, Francis Fukuyama and Professor of Stanford University, Erik Jensen. The topic of the meeting is as follows: Building a Modern State, Civil Society and Religion Live streaming video of the event is available on the
Oxford University Education Department and British Councils’ Academic Teaching Excellence – ATE course was presented on July 17. The aim of the course is to enhance level of teaching in the fields of innovative teaching methodology, linguistic practice and university education. The course offers pract
International Workshop “Georgian Folklore and Issues of Comparative Narratalogy” takes place August 11-16, in Ilia State University E401 hall. Professor Vinker Pifout (Vienna/ Zurich) and Professor Elgudja Dadunashvili (Tbilisi/Jena) will conduct the workshop. Jena University students will participate in th
Translation of Bruno Latour’s book We Have Never Been ModernS. Tsereteli Institute for Philosophy at Ilia State Univeristy published a translation of Bruno Latour’s book We Have Never Been Modern. Translation is the first book of the series Philosophical Library. Text was translated from French by Ele
Ilia State University Institute of Comparative Literature and Conjointures -Society of Medieval Languages and Literatures announces the call for papers for 5th International Comparative Literature Conference: Parallel and Intersecting Themes in Literatures of Occident and OrientConference will take place at Ilia