
CONFERENCE - "How To discuss Subaltern in Post-Social Societies? Culture, History, Politics"


"The term “Subaltern”, introduced by Italian theoretician Antonio Gramsci, is commonly used to designate the “subordinated”, “inferior” social groups or categories of people. Since 1980’s it has become the central concept for Post-Colonial and Post-Imperial studies. From then its meaning has been widened and extended across all social groups and particular persons regarded – based on their social, ethnic, racial, religious, gender or sexual affiliations - inferior in the social hierarchy.
In contemporary theoretical discourses Subaltern signifies those social groups that exist outside hegemony, groups whose presence is absent from the official culture - “their voices aren’t heard”. Therefore, on the level of discourse their existence is described from not-their-own, other's perspective. Closely related to this term, another meaning is used In Post-Colonial and Post-Imperial contexts in connection to the relationship between former Empire and Colony but also to the relationship between hegemonic West and the East or, in general - “Third World Countries”: Subaltern refers not only to a particular social group but rather to Post-Colonial/Post-Imperial country or a nation which remains in a certain symbiotic relationship to former Colonial/Imperial power and shapes its identity through the stereotypes that have already been suggested by hegemonic power. Thus, it reproduces its subalternity.
The aim of workshop is to bring topics connected to theoretical interpretations of Subaltern and other related themes into Post-socialist, especially Georgian context and to discuss potential prospects of research in this field."                                

The conference will bring together Georgian and Foreign researchers, professors, students, visual artists, photographers and writers.

Full program is available here.

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