Study language: Georgian Amount of allocated credits: 240 ECTS Awarded qualification/degree: Bachelor of Humanities in Philology Admission Type: Unified admission About the program The Humanities is an interdisciplinary undergraduate program. The Georgian Philology Program of the Faculty of Arts and S
We are pleased to inform you that the call for submission of applications for ISU students to implement the mobility at University of Valladolid is open. General Information: Mobility Period: 1 semester Study level: Undergraduate, Master, PhD Language of Instruction: English/Portuguese Academic Offer: https://uvam
The ninth session of the Early Childhood Education Webinar cycle organized by ISU Child Development Institute will take place on 25 March, 2021, 17:00. Topic: How to Prepare a Child for Kindergarten and School Speakers: Tsira Barkaia, an invited teacher and trainer at ISU, Inclusion, Early Childhood and Community Invo
Ilia State University within the framework of LEAP Jean Monnet Network is organizing the workshop: “Experiencing Europe” on March 29-30. The workshop hosts more than 20 participants from different Universities in Europe and the United states. They will contribute to the topic of how Europe in general and th
Google Developer Student Club at Ilia State University with partnership of the ICC Georgia announces the Technova event series on 29 and 30 March. The aim of this project is to educate tech curious individuals and make technology available for everyone. Event is open to the public. Registration: https:
სწავლების ენა: ქართული დასაგროვებელი კრედიტების რაოდენობა: 240 ECTS მისანიჭებელი კვალიფიკაცია: ჰუმანიტარულ მეცნიერებათა ბაკალავრი ფილოლოგიაში პროგრამის შესახებ ჰუმანიტარული მეცნიერებების პროგრამის ლიტერატურათმცოდნეობის მიმართულება შემუშავებულია 2011 წელს და ახლდება ყოველი სასწავლო წლის დასაწყისში სასწ
First Meeting of Arachnologists in the Caucasus, March 2021 Meeting Announcement and Invitation In March 2021 — 80 years after Caucasian arachnologist Tamara Mcheidze’s first publication — the First Meeting of Arachnologists in the Caucasus will be held under the auspices of Ilia State Unive
The event is organized by Ilia State University (ISU) International Doctoral School (IDS) in cooperation with the Centre for Academic Writing (ISU) and the Georg-August University of Göttingen in Germany International WritingLab (IWLUGOE). Academic writing partnerships are open to student
The First Consortium meeting, in the framework of Erasmus + program’ s winning project - " Developing and Implementing Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning at Georgian HEIs " was held on February 25-27, 2021. Consortium member institutions from Georgia and Europe attended the meeting: Tallinn University ( Es
Negar Vahid, a Computer Engineering student at ISU, set up a Tbilisi chapter of an international organization, Codeacademy. Codeacademy Tbilisi Chapter will host speakers to talks about machine learning, artificial intelligence and data science in an informal setting. The first global session on machine learning will b
The seventh session of the Early Childhood Education Webinar cycle organized by ISU Child Development Institute will take place on 11 March, 2021, 17:00. Topic: Observation and Assessment in Preschool Teaching Speakers: Khatuna Dolidze, Associate Professor at ISU, the supervisor of the Early Childhood Education