
Iliauni Bacherlos’ Graduation 2009

1Saturday, June 27, was the graduation day for 1043 bachelors of Ilia Chavchavadze State University. These students are the first generation passed Unified Entry Examination to enter the university. Iliauni rector, Professor Gigi Tevzadze opened the ceremony: "Look critically to the world, search for logical links, plan your life consequently and you will be successful... Here you've got enough education to be able to raise right and brave questions..."
Nino Chaganava, graduate of Philosophy and Social Sciences Faculty, on behalf of students addressed the audience: "Universal way to achieve success is to have your goal and to keep going 2towards it. This day is one step forward. We are Iliauni graduates. Congratulations! We did it...".

Nikoloz Gvaramia, Minister of Education and Science, attended the event, mentioned in his speech: "You are graduates of Ilia Chavchavadze State University - one of the most progressive educational institutions in Georgia. Wish you to use your new knowledge in its best way, to start you professional career."

After official part of the ceremony popular music group "Mgzavrebi" held a concert at the university stairs. Thus Chavchavadze Avenue once a year hosts students' holiday.



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