
2010-2011 Hubert Humphrey Fellowship Program

The Program:
The United States Embassy in Georgia is pleased to announce the annual competition for the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program. This one-year, full scholarship program is offered to mid-career professionals who have a proven track record of leadership, a public service commitment, and the capacity to take full advantage of a self-defined program of independent study at a leading U.S. university. The program awards a certificate from the U.S. Government; it does not offer an advanced degree.
A Fellow's professional development plan may include professional visits, conferences, and a professional affiliation (internship in an American organization/company) which must be at least six weeks in duration.

Eligible Fields/Sectors:


Agricultural Development/Agricultural Economics
Drug Abuse Education, Treatment and Prevention
Economic Development/Finance and Banking
Educational Administration, Planning and Policy
Higher Education Administration
HIV/AIDS Policy and Prevention
Human Resource Management
Law and Human Rights
Natural Resources/Environmental Policy/Climate Change
Public Health Policy and Management
Public Policy Analysis and Public Administration
Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (Teacher Training or Curriculum Development)
Technology Policy and Management
Trafficking in Persons, Policy and Prevention
Urban and Regional Planning


For the first time this year, the U.S. Embassy announces the Higher Education Administration, (HEA) specialty for the Hubert Humphrey Fellowship program. Vanderbilt University has been added as a Humphrey host campus specializing in Higher Education Administration. HEA is intended for individuals who devote a significant portion of their professional lives to policy formation, strategic decision-making, planning, and management in higher education. Individuals holding administrative or policy-making positions at institutions of higher education, non-profit organizations, or government ministries are eligible. Suitable candidates also include those focused on functional areas of higher education, such as curriculum design, techniques for instruction and learning assessment, vocational and life-long learning programs, and areas of higher education administration such as financial management, student affairs, academic affairs, business affairs, recruitment and admissions, development and alumni relations, and the use of technology in higher education. These individuals can be faculty members at their institution as long as they also have significant additional responsibilities in the areas listed above.


Appropriate candidates are mid-career professionals who have been employed in Georgia for at least five years at the management or policy level with substantive professional experience and upward career mobility. Eligible applicants should demonstrate leadership qualities and fluency in English.
Ineligible candidates include recent university graduates, university teachers or academic researchers with no management responsibilities (except in the fields of drug abuse prevention and treatment and the teaching of English as a foreign language), individuals who have attended a graduate school in the U.S. for one academic year or more since August 2003, and individuals with other recent U.S. experience (more than six months August 2005). Individuals with dual U.S. citizenship or U.S. permanent resident status may not apply to the program, since they are ineligible for a J visa.

Terms and Conditions:
The Humphrey Fellowship provides: international travel, tuition and university fees, accident/sickness insurance, monthly maintenance allowance and funding for books and professional activities. The Humphrey Program does not provide financial support for accompanying dependents.

Application Process:
Interested applicants who meet the criteria as outlined above should complete an online application at:

The submission deadline for the online application is July 21, 2009.
Short listed candidates will be interviewed on August 4.
Hubert Humphrey program semi finalists must take IELTS test on September 5.

Applicants who do not have access to the internet will be able to submit typed hard copy application to the U.S. Embassy no later than July 21, 2009. Hard copy application can be obtained at the U.S. Embassy or downloaded from the U.S. Embassy web site:

To obtain more information or for program related consultations, please contact Sophie Bzishvili or Tea Kuchukhidze at:
Tel.: 27 71 47/48; Fax: 27 77 15.



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