On September 27, 2010 Ilia State University will host orientation meeting for new students. Meeting will be held at the room H106 (Austrian Library). You’re welcome to come. List of the students is given in an attached file.
On Friday, October 1, 2010 at 4PM at Ilia State University in Tbilisi, the U.S. Embassy Consular Chief, Patrick R. Wingate, will hold the presentation on the Diversity Visa Lottery Program for 2012, otherwise known as the “Green Card Lottery.” The Green Card Lottery, offers eligible applicants the opportun
On September 24, 2010, 3pm, Ilia State University (building “A”, room 101, 32 Ilia Chavchavadze Avenue) will host a lecture of the director of the Institute of Geophysics of Technical University Claustahl Prof. Andreas Weller. The lecture will be titled ”Use of Geophysical Methods in Archaeology&rdquo
On Wednesday, September 22, 2010 at 2pm Ilia State University and twenty-three public schools will sign a memorandum of cooperation (address: Ilia State University, building A, room #101, 32 Ilia Chavchavadze Avenue). Memorandum foresees cooperation between the schools and the university. It will include open lectures
On September 13, 2010 the Institute of Alpine Ecology of the Ilia State University was officially launched in Stephantsminda. The ceremony of the opening was attended by the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Dimitri Shashkin, Minister of Environment Protection and Natural Recourses Goga Khachidze, President&
On September 10th through the 22nd, 2010 Ilia State University hosted students and professors from Adam Mitskevich Poznan University (Poland). As future tourism managers, they are planning to conduct their practical training at Ilia State University. Today Polish students visit Ilia State University, where they we
On September 9, 2010 hotel “Courtyard Marriott” hosted a presentation of the various graduate programs of the Ilia State University. This year 37 graduate programs plan to enroll 811 students. The majority of these programs is designed with the best practices in European and American study programs in mind,
On October 4-7, 2010 Brussels will welcome 8th celebration of “Open Days”. It will bring together approximately 600 participants and host more than 130 worshops, exhibitions and debates that are scheduled in the framework of the event. The project will unite participants from 244 regions and cities, 3
Young Biologists Association and Yerevan State University are going to organize FEBS Advanced Lecture Course “Trends in Genetics: Genomic Instability and Pathways of Response” on 20-26 February 2011, in Yerevan (ARMENIA). Lecturers from Armenia and abroad will introduce participants to the modern aspects of
On August 27, 2010 two summer schools of the Ilia State University: “Georgian Studies” and “South Caucasus: Culture, Society, Policy” were officially launched at the Open Air Museum of Ethnography of Georgia. The Opening was attended by the higher management teams from the German Academic Exchan
On August 26 and 27, 12pm lecture hall of the Institute of Physics will host Ghia Dvali’s public lecture “Big Bang and Cosmological Singularity”.
On August 27, 2010, 6pm two summer schools of the Ilia State University: “Georgian Studies” and “South Caucasus: Culture, Society, Policy” will be officially launched at the Open Air Museum of Ethnography of Georgia. Funding for the summer school “South Caucasus: Culture, Society, Policy&r