
Open Days 2010


On October 4-7, 2010 Brussels will welcome 8th celebration of “Open Days”. It will bring together approximately 600 participants and host more than 130 worshops, exhibitions and debates that  are scheduled in the framework of the event. The project will unite participants from 244 regions and cities, 30 private companies, associations and academic organisations of Europe.

Meanwhile, during the months of September, October and November,  European Union states are planning to organise app. 260 local and international events.

Specifit topics of the “Open Days 2010” include:

  •     Competitiveness
  •     Cooperation
  •     Cohesion.

It is the first time for Tbilissi to declare itself ready to participate in the “Open Days 2010”. The capital of Georgia will host a local event “Europe in My City: Competitive Advantages of Tbilisi” on October 20, 2010.

Based on the above priorities, main topic of the discussion will focus on the issue of competitiveness. Students (BA, MA and BA students from academic years III-IV) of different Tbilisi- based universities will have an opportunity to participate in an open discussion and present their own visions or recommendations concerning competitive advantage of Tbilisi.

Speakers will focus on the following issues:

  •    Tbilisi - part of Europe;
  •    Inculcation of a city in an international realm;
  •    Determination of competitor and partner cities of Tbilisi.

Participants are requested to submit their Power Point presentations eiter in English or Georgian languages. Duration of the presentation should not exceed 7 minutes.
Event will significantly aid to carrying out  a new marketing strategy, which was recently initiated by the Tbilisi City Hall.
Round table discussion will take place in Tbilisi. It will be moderated by the Tbilisi Municipality, Delegation of the European Union to Georgia, Office of the State Minister of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration.

At the concluding stage of the the event, students will be awarded certificates of participation. Their works/presentations will be published on an official website of “Open Days 2010”.
For registration and participation in the event, please submit the filled registration forms on or before September 30, 2010. Presentations should be submitted before October 10th. Both registration forms and presentation have to be sent to the following address:

Meeting with coordinators of the program is scheduled for September 28, 2010, 4pm at the Ilia State University, room A101, 32 Chavchavadze Avenue.
Please, find registration form in an attached document.

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