
Presentation of the Graduate Programs

On September 9, 2010 hotel “Courtyard Marriott” hosted a presentation of the various graduate programs of the Ilia State University. This year 37 graduate programs plan to enroll 811 students. The majority of these programs is designed with the best practices in European and American study programs in mind, and was elaborated in cooperation with foreign professors. The structure of the programs anticipates involvement of foreign as well as Georgian professors who work abroad in the study process, which will be facilitated with the use of distance learning tools.

Graduate programs were presented by the Rector of the Ilia State University Prof. Gigi Tevzadze and the Dean of the Graduate School David Aprasidze. According to them, one of the fundamentals for advancement of modern Georgia lies within development of the science. Other than during the soviet period when neither in Georgia nor in any of the former republics of the Soviet Union, fundamental sciences were not considered to form basis for the applied sciences, representatives of the Ilia State University see the science to be a prerequisite for progress in modern life.

Ilia State University is the first and until now the only new structure in Georgia to link Master’s and PhD programs to each other. Successful completion of the Master’s program of the Ilia State University automatically means enrollment into the PhD program if desired. The PhD program is offered free of charge and gives students an opportunity to get involved in the study process and participate in unique research at the same time.

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