The Microfinance Organizations' Loan Research
Ilia State University hosted a presentation of the loan research of the microfinance organizations. The research was prepared by Iliauni Business Review (IBR). It covered the period from March 1 to 18. 15 organizations were studied.
The following products were reviewed under the project: mortgage loans, consumer loans, business loans and auto loans.
The research illustrated the common rating of the microfinance organizations and their advantages in relation to the concrete products as well as underlined the comparison between the loans of the microfinance organizations and the relevant loans of banks.
The research reported:
- The cheapest loans offered by the microfinance organizations
- The most expensive loans offered by the microfinance organizations
- The difference of the percentage rate among the loans by the microfinance organizations and the relevant loans of bank sectors.
The following organizations were studied: Rico Credit, City Credit, Credit Plus, Cristal, Tbilmicrocredit, Nova Credit, Microinvest, B.I.G, IMG, Alfa Express, Alliance Group, Credo, Georgian Credit, Swiss Capital, Finance Company Georgia.
The best offers in the field of loans belong to the microfinance organization “Crystal”. This company is a leader in the four categories of loans.
Iliauni Business Review (IBR) is prepared by researchers of the Center of Economic Researches & Consultations at Ilia State University.