
International Conference „L`italiano: da Petrarca in poi...“


Ilia State University Italian Culture Center holds international conference L`italiano: da Petrarca in poi…“on November 20, 2014. The conference is dedicated to famous Italian poet Francesco Petrarch.

Main theme of the conference is Italian Studies. Conference presentations may include the following specific directions:
• Language Studies
• Literature Studies
• Teaching Language and Literature
• Literary Translation Theory

Participation Requirements:

• Presenters must submit 200-300 words resume in Georgian or Italian (in sylfaen), via following E-mail: Authors must note their contact information and information on education and work institutions. Resume submission deadline is October 15, 2014
•Conference is held in Georgia and Italian
• Each presentation is limited to 20 minutes (when needed, presenter will be provided with projector and other devices)

Scientific and Organization Council

Prof. Nodar Ladaria
Prof. Lorenzo Venzi
Nikoleta Daga
Maura Morandi
Manana Siprashvili
Translator: Khatuna Tskhatadze
Nana Lomaia Ph.D.
Coordinators: M. Siprashvili, N. Lomaia PhD.

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