On May 29, at 19:30, at Ilia State University Book House “Ligamus,” readers will meet with Tomas Venclova. At the meeting, Mr. Venclova will answer questions from readers, with the meeting being moderated by the Rector of the University, Prof. Giga Zedania. After the meeting, Thomas Ventslova will be awarde
On May 19, at 19:00, at Ilia State University room E405 (Forbes), a meeting will be held at Iliauni Forbes Club. A public lecture will be delivered by Nona Mamulashvili, head of the corporation division of Philip Morris Company. Lecture topic: Career at Global Corporations Date and time: 19 May, 19:00 Venue: E 405 (F
On May 14, the final of joint scholarship competition aBItour (at which different business ideas were presented) by Ilia State University and business magazine Forbes was held. Around 100 high school seniors participated in the competition, with 7 teams vying for the winners’ trophy in the semi-final. The u
The National Debate Tournament named after Nutsa Makhviladze that started on May 5 and included different activities lasting for a week has finished. Around 100 students took part in the tournament from different regions of Georgia. Debates on the improvement of Georgia’s education system were held among them. An
Admissions and Registration ____________________________________________________________________ Q: What is the application deadline for academic programs? A: For the fall semester – June 30th, spring semester – November 30th. Q: How do I apply for the University A: Ilia State University offers a
Exploring Tbilisi's urban condition through the architectural project - three days of events, discussions and an exhibition.The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, in collaboration with Ilia State University, invite you to 'Another Architecture' - an exhibition of explorative and evolving architectural propositions for
On February 17, at 17:00, Portage Programme, together with Pre-School Education Center of Ilia State University Child Development Institute, arranged a conference focused on issues of early interference and pre-school inclusive education. Within the framework of the event, 10th anniversary of Portage was also celebrate
The topic of the lecture: "Threatened wildlife of Arabia: challenges and efforts for long-term conservation"Speaker: M. Zafar-ul Islam Brief details on ZafarZafar is working with the National Wildlife Research Center in Saudi Arabia as Field Research Director who is managing Re-introduction programs of threatened speci
On 21 April, at 14:00, at ISU room E207, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Great Britain to Georgia Justin McKenzie Smith will deliver a public lecture on the topic: UK-Georgia - 25 Years of Diplomatic Relations. Regarding the Speaker Justin McKenzie Smith has served as an Ambassador Extraordinary and Ple
On October 25, at Ilia State University Book House “Ligamus,” within monthly public lecture series by ISU Child Development Institute, the public lecture Education Standards in Early Childhood Education was conducted. The lecture was led by authors of Early Childhood Education Standards Nino Jijivadze and T
On April 10-13, at the invitation of Ilia State University Savle Tsereteli Institute, Professor at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) and head of the Department of Medieval Philosophy and Ontology, Titsiana Suarez-Nani, will deliveres lectures at Iliauni. Programme: Date and Time: 10 April, 16:00 Venue: 
On January 16, at 16:00, at Ilia State University, with financial support of Credo Company with Iliauni Child Development Institute being a co-financier, the first Virtual Reality Laboratory with advanced visualization (VRLab Iliauni) was opened in Georgia. ISU Child Development Institute will use the Lab when working