
Another Architecture - Exhibition and Symposium


Exploring Tbilisi's urban condition through the architectural project - three days of events, discussions and an exhibition.

The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, in collaboration with Ilia State University, invite you to 'Another Architecture' - an exhibition of explorative and evolving architectural propositions for Tbilisi, Georgia. 
The selected projects present a broad range of typologies from housing to market places, civic buildings to infrastructure, but all through an emphasis on the political and social potential of architecture. 

The projects engage with Tbilisi’s complex urban condition through a research focused, iterative design methodology. With this in mind, the work does not aim to present finalised architectural propositions, but rather invite critique, alteration and discussion.

EXHIBITION OPEN 10:00 - 21:00 
Wednesday 3rd May - Friday 5th May

Events at ArtaArea Gallery, open to all:

Wednesday 3rd, 18:00 - 20:00 - 'Designing Values for Urban Development'
A workshop with Axis Developers on designing values within the real estate market of Tbilisi and on the art of negotiation within Georgian politics. Following a presentation by Axis on their approach to development in Georgia, we will have a Q&A follows by several exhibition project presentations. 

Thursday 4th, 19:30 - 'Date night with your career'
How do women gain presence, independence and power in the work world? 
Talk hosted by Kendra Reid, please find more information and guests speakers in the following facebook event:

Thursday 4th, 19:30 - 'Pickling in Samgori'
What is the future of informal markets in the face of development? 
Workshop on the possibility to (in)tegrate formal and informal economies through the act of making pickles. 
Workshop hosted by Xander Roden, guest speakers will include experts in urban design, law and economics.

Friday 5th, 18:00 - 'Architectural Agency'
Panel discussion exploring the conditions for a civic architecture, questioning the transience of the architectural project and challenging the agency of the architect.

The symposium seeks to provoke a critical discussion around various thematics introduced in the exhibition, with an emphasis on architecture’s potential in enriching Tbilisi’s urban, political and social contexts. The discussion will explore three thematics:

1. Civic architecture
Considering the particular context of Tbilisi, the aim is to examine the forces involved in shaping civic architecture, explore how these can be negotiated with external pressures, and investigate ways in which citizens can become more active in realising civic architecture.
2. Transient architecture
With Tbilisi’s transient architecture as a point of departure, the objective is to question the relationship between formality and informality in the city, consider the mediation of the conflicting aspirations of the market, state and citizens, and explore the convergence of heritage and development.
3. The agency of the architect
The intent is to consider the role and agency of the architect in Tbilisi, explore how this role could be expanded and challenge the strategies put forward in the exhibition. 

We are pleased to introduce a multidisciplinary group of speakers for a panel discussion on Friday evening:

  • Levan Asabashvili - Urban Reactor
  • Levan Kalandarishvili - Tbilisi Forum for Architecture / Institute of Georgian Architects
  • Giorgi Gabunia - Advisor for Sustainable Development, Tbilisi City Hall
  • Davit Asanidze - Land Use Master Planning, Tbilisi City Hall 
  • Anna Gulisashvili - Urban Management and Development, Tbilisi City Hall / Architectural Forum
  • Natalia Nebieridze - CAMPUS studio / Real Laboratory for Future Urban Planners / Material Hunters
  • Professors from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts and Ilia State University.

Please join us for some wine after the panel discussion.

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