


On April 10-13, at the invitation of Ilia State University Savle Tsereteli Institute, Professor at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) and head of the Department of Medieval Philosophy and Ontology, Titsiana Suarez-Nani, will deliveres lectures at Iliauni.


Date and Time: 10 April, 16:00

Venue: A101 room (Chavchavadze Ave. #32)

  • Topic: “Time in Medieval Philosophy” (Augustine, Thomas Aquinas , Dietrich Freiberg, William Ockham)

Date and Time: 11 April, 14:00

Venue: C414 room (Chavchavadze Ave. #32)

  • Topic: “What is Metaphysics in Medieval and Modern Reasoning? (Thomas Aquinas, Duns Scott, Meister Eckhart and Dekart)

Date and Time: 12 April, 15:00

Venue: A101 room (Chavchavadze Ave. #32)

  • Topic: Space Physics and Metaphysics in Medieval Reasoning

Date and Time: 13 April, 16:00

Venue: A101 room (Chavchavadze Ave. #32)


  • Topic:  Space Physics and Metaphysics in Medieval Reasoning II

Lecture language: French (consecutive interpreting will be provided in Georgian).

Regarding Speaker

Prof Titsiana Suarez-Nani, the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) has been the head of Medieval Philosophy and Ontology since 2002. His main research areas are Metaphysics, Epistemology and Natural philosophy. In 1993-2002, he served as a president of Fribourg Philosophical Society. At present, he is working on edition of Franciscus de Marchia "Quaestiones in II Sententiarium: edizione criticae analisi dottrinale". 
The professor is an author of eight monographs and a great number of science articles out of which particularly notable are the articles as follows:

  • Conception of Separate Substances and Language of Thomas Aquinas and Gilles de Rome, Paris 2003 [Connaissance et langage des substances séparées selon Thomas d'Aquin et Gilles de Rome, (Études de philosophie médiévale, Vrin), Paris, 2003.]
  • Matter and Soul. Research on François de la Marche [La matière et l’esprit. Études sur François de la Marche, collection « Vestigia » n. 41, Academic Press – Éditions du Cerf, Fribourg-Paris 2015.]

In addition, the professor is an author of critical editions as follows:

  • NICOLAS DE STRASBOURG, De tempore (Summa, L. II, tr. VIII-XIV), (Corpus Philosophorum Teutonicorum Medii Aevi, vol. V, 2 (3)), Hamburg (Meiner Verlag), 1990. 2
  • FRANÇOIS DE LA MARCHE (= FRANCISCUS DE MARCHIA SEU DE ESCULO) Quaestiones in II Sententiarum, en collaboration avec W. Duba, E. Babey, G. Etzkorn : o Vol. I : Questions 1-12, Ancient and Mediaeval Philosophy, Series 3 (Francisci de Marchia Opera omnia), Leuven University Press, 2009. o Vol. II : Questions 13-27, ibid., Leuven, 2010. o Vol. III : Questions 28-49, ibid., Leuven, 2012.
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