
Ilia State University Science Week 2019: Presentation of Savle Tsereteli Institute of Philosophy


On December 19, Giorgi Kheoshvili, a member of the Savle Tsereteli Institute of Philosophy, will deliver a lecture on "The Problem of Religious Anti-Semitism in Russian Religious Philosophy of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries"


Anti-Semitism is one of the most dangerous and widespread form of religious and national intolerance rooted in historical Christianity. Anti-Semitism has taken many forms in different countries - religious and psychological intolerance, segregation, forced exile of Jews, genocide, abuse, etc. The fact that Russian thinking was mainly concerned with the problems of the history of philosophy during the nineteenth century was greatly promoted by the active interest of Russian religious thinkers in the Jewish problem. Some Russian intellectuals sought to determine Russia's future in the context of the religious philosophy of history. Those who intend to use a religious basis for the philosophy of history cannot bypass the question of God's chosen people, whose history has been central to religious events. Furthermore, the Russian national-messianist ideology, developed in the nineteenth century, would eventually oppose the religious messianism of the biblical nation. This issue became a test of religious tolerance for Russian religious thinkers. Unfortunately, many Russian thinkers failed the test with dignity. The purpose of Kheoshvili's research is to highlight some of the manifestations of religious-worldview intolerance towards the Jews that have been raised by prominent Russian religious thinkers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (including V. Soloviev, N. Berdyaev, S. Bulgakov, P. Florenski and Al. Losev).

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