School of Arts and Sciences ILIA STATE UNIVERSITY


Archaeology (Major/Minor)

Title of the Program: Archaeology (Major/Minor)

Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Sciences

Language of Instruction: Georgian

Credits: 240 ECTS

Name of qualification and title conferredThe Degree of BA in Archaeology  

Maximum Number of Students: 35

About the Program

The program was developed in 2011 and re-accredited in 2023. It can be updated at the beginning of each academic year for further improvement and development. Students of the archaeology program will be able to study the archaeology of cultures and civilizations spread throughout the history of Georgia and the world.  During mandatory archaeological practice, they will master the general principles of archaeological research with the help of modern technologies.

Aim of the Program

It aims  to prepare a competitive specialist, with:

  • general and broad knowledge of archaeology to study the past of Georgia and different regions of the world (Caucasus region, Near East, Mediterranean Sea) in time and space.
  • basic archaeological skills.

Also,  the program focuses on the development of transferable skills needed for further education, e.g. individual and group work skills; critical analysis and argumentative reasoning; effective oral and written communication through applying  contemporary technologies and  adhering to principles of academic integrity.

Major Fields of  Study

The BA archaeology program combines the archaeology of Georgia and the Caucasus region with mandatory fieldwork.

Learning Outcomes   

Upon completion of the program, the graduate:

  1. demonstrates general knowledge of the foundations of archaeology, its main theories, approaches, methods and development trends;
  2. is aware of the importance of archaeology in studying the past of mankind and understanding the historical past in a social, cultural, political, economic, ecological and chronological context;
  3. demonstrates deep and comprehensive knowledge of prehistoric and historical archaeology (Stone Age, Early Metal Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Antique and Middle Ages) of Georgia and different regions of the world (Caucasus region, Near East, Mediterranean Sea);
  4. can obtain and process data (sources, materials, etc.) using the basic principles and methods of archaeological intelligence and research (field, laboratory) in accordance with predetermined methods, and based on their analysis and interpretation can reconstruct the past;
  5. adheres to the principles of impartiality and objectivity in the description, analysis and interpretation of archaeological information/material/data;
  6. is aware of the different values, ideas and beliefs of individual archaeological cultures and civilizations as part of the world values.

Learning Methods

Lecture, seminar, individual and group projects, analysis and synthesis, practical method (field and lab work) discussion / debate, demonstration method, method of working on primary sources (written and non-written); elements of e-learning, brainstorming, group work.

Career Opportunities

  • Public and Private Cultural Institutions;
  • Private and State Museums and Galleries;
  • Agency for Cultural Heritage Protection;
  • Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection;
  • Non-governmental organizations of the relevant profile;
  • Archaeological projects implemented by local and international organizations;
  • educational programs for the promotion and protection of cultural heritage;
  • Tourism, Mass media, etc.

Structure of the Program

The BA program in Archaeology requires 240 ECTS credits to be accumulated according to the following structure: 

  • Free Components: general module–60 ECTS
  • Major Field of Study–- 120 ECTS
  • Minor Program/Free Component– 60 ECTS

Free Component: General Module 60 ECTS:

  • Introduction to Contemporary Thought  I, II –12 ECTS
  • Academic Techniques – 6ECTS
  • Statistics –6 ECTS
  • Practical English Courses– 24 ECTS
  • Introductory Courses with Code INTRO –12 ECTS

Major Field of  Study 120 ECTS:

  • Compulsory courses of the archaeology program with the code HUMARCHGEN – 60 ECTS
  • Compulsory-elective  courses of the archaeology program with the code 0/HUMARCH/0 – 48 ECTS
  • Elective courses of the archaeology program with the code 0/0/HUMARCH–12 ECTS

Minor Program/Free Components 60 ECTS

 Module  ECTS 
 University Basic Module  60
 Major program  120
 Minor program or Free Components (Electives)  60

Contact Information

➳ Ilia Chavchavadze Av. N32. Rooms: A 204, A 201, A 302
☏ (+995 32) 222 00 09 (200)


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