Debates on Public Policy Project
"Debates on Public Policy" is a project which gives professors and students of the Ilia State University an opportunity to conduct discussions on important issues of public policy with major decision making persons. The first session took place on February 3rd. The First Deputy Foreign Minister Giga Bokeria and the Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Euro-Atlantic Integration David Darchiashvili participated in the discussion of "Russian-Georgian Relations". The discussion was moderated by David Sikharulidze, Adviser of the President in the Issues of Defense and Security.
The guest speakers presented to the students and professors the policy principals which are applied by Georgia after the August War of 2008. During discussion it became clear that political relations and dialogue between two countries won't be restored until the start of the de-occupation process. According to Giga Bokeria the only alternative to the process of de-occupation lies within integration into the Euro-Atlantic zone and increase of the pressure from the side of international organizations on Russia.