Georgian High-Tech Product on the World Market
On March 11 presentation of the unique Georgian product - geo-multifunctional system GMSYS 2009 took place at the Ilia State University. Device, which was created by Georgian geophysicists consists of three main components and can be used during seismic observations as well as in the fields of geophysics, environmental protection and security. Compared to its foreign counterparts the newly created equipment possesses a higher degree of compatibility, flexibility, involves lower production costs and can be upgraded.
Several buyers from the USA and the NATO States (among them Turkey) already expressed interest towards geo-multifunctional system made by the scientists from the Ilia State University. Seismic network of the Institute of Earth Sciences of the Ilia State University unites 30 stations. It is planed to increase number of stations to 40 by the end of the year.