
The Most Demanded Professions in Georgia

Ilia State University hosted a presentation of the research “The Most Demanded Professions and Top 30 Employers in Georgia” by Iliauni Business Review (IBR).

IBR studied the announcements of the most popular two web-portals in Georgia ( and in accordance with professions, companies and regions. The research illustrates a salary rate change according to the business sectors, all highest/ lowest paying jobs.  2251 vacancies were reviewed. As well, IBR listed the top 30 employers on the basis of the information delivered by the companies.  

The research states the vacancies which are in-demand out of the country, from Ukraine, Germany, South Africa and Qatar in particular. In addition, the research released the highest paying vacancies.

The research studied 2251 vacancies, covering the period from November 1 to March 1. The first most demanded position was a Sales Manager – 235 units, 2nd –accountant -105 unites and 3rd–distributor-98 units.

The companies which are seeking a labor force: 1st position - Bank Constanta (76 units), 2nd position – Supermarket “Smarti” (57 units) and 3rd- Silknet – 41 units.

The top 10 includes: Georgian Technical University, Justice House/Ministry, “Sakaeronavigacia”, “IPM Terminal Poti”, “Nikora”, Europe House and KSB Bank. According to the regions: Tbilisi – 78 %, Imereti -5 %, Adjara – 5 %, Samegrelo 3%, Kakheti 3%, Kvemo Kartli -2 %, Guria -2%, Samtske- Javakheti -1% and Shida Kartli-1%. The top places among the employer companies were distributed as follows: 1. Georgian Railway – 13 500 units. 2. Bank of Georgia -8000 units. 3. Energo-Pro Georgia -5500 units, 4. Vissol Group 4500 units.  5. Liberty Bank – 4500 units. The big companies such as Silknet, TBC Bank, Telasi, Rustavi Azoti, Sokar, Goodwill and etc. were listed as well.

The research will be conducted periodically (once in three months) and all interested parts will be able to get information about the changes in the labor market. 

Iliauni Business Review (IBR) is prepared by the researchers of the Center of Economic Researches and Consultations at Ilia State University Department of Business.

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