The fourth and final workshop of the DHR programme took place in Tsinandali, Georgia, on September 20-22, 2023. The main goal of the event was to present and discuss the contributions that will be published in the third volume of the German-Georgian Yearbooks, dedicated to the topic “Pluralis
In partnership with Yale University, Ilia State University implements the project "Introducing Biostatistics Teaching into Applied Science Fogarty Training Program (GIFT)" project funded by the US National Institutes of Health, Fogarty International Center. A graduate training program in biostatistics aimed at address
2024-2025 ACADEMIC CALENDAR FOR BACHELOR’S, MASTER’S, PHD AND MD STUDENTS START END FALL SEMESTER Lectures 23.09.2024 18.01.2025 Christmas and NY holidays 25.1
2023-2024 ACADEMIC CALENDAR FOR BACHELOR’S, MASTER’S, PHD AND MD STUDENTS START END FALL SEMESTER Lectures 25.09.2023 20.01.2024 Christmas and NY holidays 25.12.2023 07.01.2024 Ex
On March 1st, the International Students and Program Marketing office hosted the Welcome & Orientation Session for International Programs degree-seeking and exchange students.During the session, students received information on University life and the services offered. Additionally, they were provided with the Inte
On March 8, at 17:00, Professor Ramon Oliver will deliver a speech titled “From thermal instability to coronal rain.” The event is part of the ongoing online seminar series hosted by the Space Research Center at the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Ilia State University (ISU). This seminar will int
In the spring semester of the 2023-2024 academic year, the selection mode of Ilia State University's electronic selection system Argus will be activated according to the following schedule: February 29, 12:00 – 1st year students Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Medicine, Faculty of Bu
The U.S. Embassy Tbilisi Public Affairs Section (PAS) of the U.S. Department of State is pleased to announce that funding is available through its Cultural Small Grants Program. This is an Annual Program Statement, outlining our funding priorities, the strategic themes we focus on, and the procedures for submitting req
On February 16, in the frame of the plagiarism prevention week, a webinar "Ethical use of Artificial Intelligence Tools" was held at Ilia State University, which was led by Giga Khositashvili, a PhD Candidate of doctoral program in education. The speaker discussed the details related to the use of artificial intelligen
The competition was held in partnership with the Supreme Court of Georgia, The U.S. Embassy in Georgia, the Prosecution Service of Georgia, and the Georgian Bar Association. The team was comprised of School of Law students: Giga Gorjeladze, Keti Todradze, Nika Beridze, Beka Bolkvadze, Tamuna Davitadze, and Vazha Janjal
2nd Georgian Ph.D. Summer School in Ethics and Political Philosophy. Sponsor(s): Iliauni Centre for Advanced Studies Savle Tsereteli Institute of Philosophy UCLouvain - Hoover Chair in Economic and Social Ethics Topic areas Applied Ethics Normative Ethics Social and Political Philosophy Details After the successful
Description: The purpose of Ilia State University Music Club is to support students who are interested in music by encouraging them to share their experiences and grow as musicians. Objectives: Uniting students interested in music, inspiring them and exchanging experiences; Promoting music subjects of Ilia Stat