On December 19, professor of Ilia state university, Tamar Tsopurashvili and assistant-researcher Ana Lomadze delivered a public lecture on the topic “The Georgian Language Reception of Aristotle”. They talked about Georgian translations of Aristotle’s “Peri Hermeneias” and its commentaries
Ilia State University participates in ERASMUS + project “EDUCATIONAL FOR DRONE (eDrone), which aims to incorporate drone technology into the curriculum and build new competence. The lead organization of the project is the University of Italy, Universita Degli Studi Del Sannio, partners are: Romanian UAV(unmanned
On September 17-18 all partner Second Consortium management Meeting took place in Zugdidi (Georgia) hosted by Shota Meskhia State teaching University of Zugdidi (ZSSU) that has been organized by Ilia State University and held within the frames of the project Academic Integrity for Quality Teaching and Learning in Highe
On 15 December 2018, from 12:00 to 15:00, a Student Life Forum will be held at ISU B201 as part of the Student Life Week, in which all active student clubs and university offices will participate. At the Forum, students will receive updates from the clubs’ representatives regarding their activities and membership
On December 12, Savle Tsereteli Institute of Philosophy organized conference, committed to 100 years anniversary of Petritsi Philosophical Society. The conference was also dedicated to the memory of Guram Tevzadze. Themes of the presentations included: “Developing Petritsi philosophical society (1918, 26 May)&rdq
On October 16, 2018 representatives of Erasmus + National Office visited ISU as a coordinating institution of the project Academic Integrity for Quality Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Institutions in Georgia (INTEGRITY) to monitor the project activities and deliverables for of the Year 1. Several representat
On 10 December 2018, at 16:00, ISU (Room B201) will host a public meeting Human Rights: Equality Matters. Organized by the Council of Europe Office in Georgia and the Public Defender’s Office, the event will mark the Human Rights Day. Equality, diversity and discrimination will be addressed from different p
On November 7, 2018 Kristine Margvelashvili presented her paper to fellow doctoral students at Ilia State University using Three Minutes Thesis (3MT) format. She presented one slide diplaying the structure of her PhD thesis. Margvelashvili’s research topic is church and state relations in Orthodox Europe, and is
On 7 December 2018, anthropologist Andrea Weiss will give a research presentation on Political Space and Borderland Practices in Abkhazia and Adjara with respect to the Role of Turkey: transboundary processes and (re)-configurations of political space in the Caucasus. The presentation will be held within the framework
Within the framework of the Carl-Friedrich Lehmann-Haupt International Doctoral Program Prof. Dr. Irina Lobzhanidze, Professor of Linguistics working for the Institute of Linguistic Research of the Ilia State University (ISU), visited the Georg-August-University of Göttingen (UGOE) in Germany from November 9 to 16
On November 12-14, 2018, Consortium Meeting #2 of the project: „Assessment Tools for new learning environments in higher education institutions” was held at Private University of Education, Diocese of Linz, Austria.Ilia State University was represented by Sofiko Lobzhanidze, Ketevan Darakhvelidze, Manana Sa
On 27 November 2018, at 13:00, the ISU Business Research Centre, the PMC Research Centre and Kutaisi University will organize a joint event at ISU Ligamus Book House to present the following research projects: Competitive Analysis of the Tbilisi Hospital Sector and its Value Chain Using Components of the Methodology o