Courses and Trainings

Training course “Analysis of Musical Form”


The Center for Personal and Professional Development of Ilia State University announces admission to the course “Analysis of Musical Form”.

About the Training

The aim of the program is to give the student theoretical knowledge of the main types of musical form and a solid practical ability to analyze a musical work in this regard.

As a result of the successful completion of the course, the student will acquire in-depth knowledge of the types of musical forms of academic music and their peculiarities, in particular, what musical form and structure is; what elements musical syntax consists of; in what ways the musical material is developed; what musical forms characterize this or that historical era, what regularities characterize this or that musical form, etc.

The student will be able to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, particularly, to analyze compositions of different eras, styles and genres of academic music in terms of form.

The participants of the training will get to know:

  • musical form as a concept;
  • structural elements of musical form: motive, phrase, sentence, period. The role of censorship in musical form;
  • the musical theme as a form of conveying a finished thought, an artistic form;
  • ways of developing musical material: variational, processed, free development, contrast of production and opposition;
  • varieties of musical form;
  • simple two- and three-part forms, features of their structure and similarities-differences; their historical significance;
  • complex three-part form in the eras of baroque, classicism and romanticism;
  • variational form: variation as a principle of development of musical material, and variations as a form; ostinato variations; strict and free variations;
  • Rondo Form: Rondo in folk music, vocal and instrumental genres; features of the Rondo form in Baroque, Classicism, Romanticism and modern music;
  • sonata-symphonic cycle and sonata form Rondo-Sonata. The structure of the sonata-symphonic cycle, the main principles of its dramaturgical structure. Sonata form as the quintessence of musical thought of the Viennese Classicism era. Sonata form in Romanticism and modern music;
  • Polyphony as a type of musical thinking. Polyphonic texture, polyphonic technique; forms characteristic of polyphonic music: canon, invention, fugue.

About the Trainer

Ketevan Shengelia, associate professor of Ilia State University, lecturer of the Music Center and head of the music teacher training program of a public school

Schedule and Format

The training will start on December 5 and will include 28 contact hours (6 hours for lectures and 12 hours for seminars, 10 hours for midterm and final assessment).

Trainings will be held remotely 2 days a week - Friday at 18:00 and Saturday at 15:00.

Price: 180 GEL

Registration for the Course

To register, you need to fill out the electronic application form at the link:

Application deadline: December 1, 18:00

After successful completion of the course, a certificate of Ilia State University will be issued.


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