
Global Entrepreneurship Week 2018


From 12 to 18 November ISU will celebrate the Global Entrepreneurship Week 2018 (GEW 2018), an initiative of the Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN).

Held in over 160 countries and having more than 20 000 partner organizations, GEW brings together millions of people taking part in more than 35 000 events and activities.

ISU has been the partner of GEW since 2016.

Within the frames GEW 2018, ISU will organize a series of activities, seminars, public lectures and competitions. The activities will be focused on building the capacity of women and youth to engage in entrepreneurship.

Schedule of Events:

 Public Lecture: Wine in Sweden – From a Consumed Luxury to an Upcoming Industry with an International Context

Within the frames of GEW 2018, Dr. Paulina Rytkönen, Associate Professor of Södertörn University, Sweden, will deliver a public lecture Wine in Sweden – from a Consumed Luxury to an Upcoming Industry with an International Context.

Language: English
Time:  12 November 2018, 17:00
Venue: Room G106, Ilia State University (1 G. Tsereteli Str.)

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Public Lecture by Dr. Lars Vigerland

Within the frames of GEW 2018, Dr. Lars Vigerland of Södertörn University, Sweden, will deliver a public lecture IPO: How and Why Change an Enterprise from Private to Public.

Language: English
Time: 13 November 2018, 16:00
Venue: Room E207, Ilia State University (3/5 Cholokashvili Ave.)

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