
Closed Workshop for Iliauni Korean Language Course Students


In order to mark the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Korea and Georgia, as part of the Korean Week at Ilia State University, on May 17, at 14:00, representatives of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (Republic of Korea) will hold a series of closed workshops for Ilia State University Korean language students on the following topics:

  • Practical features of Korean language and script;
  • The role of women writers in traditional Korean society.

The workshop will be held in 3 sessions.

Session 1: Typology of World Writing Systems: The Uniqueness of Korean Hanguel

After an introduction to the linguistic typology of world writing systems, a discussion of Hanguel's characteristics will take place. Students will have the opportunity to compare Georgian and Hanguel writing systems from a typological perspective.

Session 2: Korean Pronunciation: Practice

During the session, the mentors discuss the common features that Korean-speaking Georgians often reveal when pronouncing. After the theoretical part of the introduction to Korean phonetics and pronunciation tips, the students participating in the workshop will be divided into small groups and will perform Korean pronunciation exercises with an instructor for whom Korean is a native language.

Session 3: Two Women Poets of the Joseon Dynasty: Women's Voices in a Male-Dominated Society

During the session, students will meet two women poets from the Joseon Dynasty - Hwang Jin and Heonanseolheon. Students will read their short poems, followed by a discussion about women's self-expression in a male-dominated society.

Time: May 17, 14:00 - 17:00

Working languages: Korean, Georgian

Format: Physical space, closed (only for students of Korean language course at Ilia State University)


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