
Practical Seminar “Engaging with Sources” for Doctoral Students and Young Researchers


Ilia State University’s International Doctoral School and the Centre for Academic Writing jointly offer a practical seminar on working with sources for doctoral students and young researchers.

The aim of this five-hour seminar is to encourage practical, hands-on exploration of specific academic writing aspects that PhD students face when writing their thesis. More specifically, participants will learn how to ensure that their written passages, on the one hand, introduce their voices, ideas and individual contribution. On the other hand, provide the evidence of how much they have read, considered and analysed of the intellectual wealth in their field.

In other words, the seminar (tentative) agenda will cover the following issues:

  1. Engaging with sources when writing the thesis: how to represent the source material accurately, but also develop it by e.g. paraphrasing and summarizing
  2. Integrating the source material in compliance with the citation style used in the field:
    • in-text and out-of-text references
    • drafting references and bibliography
    • working with footnotes and/or endnotes
    • using citation and quotation effectively and accurately
  3. Academic integrity and types of plagiarism

The seminar will offer the participants ample opportunities to practise all aspects raised in the sessions.

Upon completion of the seminar, an attendance certificate will be issued for each participant.

Venue: Ilia State University, C Building, Auditorium C 310

Date and Time: Wednesday, January 29, 2020; 11:00-17:00

Instructor: Prof. Maia Rogava (Ilia State University, Business School; Director of the Centre for Academic Writing; 

Language of Instruction: English

Maximum Number of Participants: 20

Registration: Prior registration is required and the principle of priority applies. The registration deadline is January 27, 2020, 18:00. For registration please use the registration online form:

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