
Makeathon Your Startup in Reality


On 14-20 November, Ilia State University (ISU) and Industrial Innovations Laboratory (FabLab Iliauni), within the Global Entrepreneurship Week, will hold a Makeathon Your Startup Idea in Reality.  

Within the project, the teams participating in the makeathon will compete with one another while creating innovative and unique ideas, and by using modern technologies and with the support of highly qualified mentors, they will draw up the initial prototype of the idea.

Any interested individual can participate in the project.

Makeathon Your Startup in Reality comprises several stages:

The first stage:

  • creating teams;
  • getting familiarized with the existed equipment in Iliauni PubLab;
  • generating ideas.

The second stage:

  • creating initial prototypes with the assistance of  experts of Iliauni PubLab;
  • different trainings (including the formulation of business models) and preparation for Demo-days.

Demo- days and announcing winners  

Presentation of products by the participants is made following the principle below:  

On Demo-days, the teams should present information as follows:

  • team name and logo;
  • description of an idea/product;
  • webpage of an idea/product, facebook page or blog;
  • business plan of an idea/product;
  • research into customers and its results (a minimum of 10 people);
  • future action plan and cost estimation;
  • initial prototype;

And finally the winners will be announced.


The winners will receive gifts and will be enabled to undergo the acceleration process and improve the product through Iliauni PubLab.

Who can participate in makeathon?

  • Any person of any age and experience who has an innovative idea and a desire to realize it. 

How to become a participant of makeathon?

Fill up a simple electronic application form not later than November 10, 2016;

  • The selected candidates will be contacted not later than November 12, 2016 (information regarding time and location where and when the competition is to be held will be provided).
  • Quick Links:

Contact Details:

Contact person: Sandro Kandelaki – Iliauni PubLab Manager

E-mail address:


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