


Date: 10th – 12th September 2018 (until 14th including an extended field session)

Host: Ilia State University (

Location: 3/5, Kakutsa Cholokashvili Ave, Tbilisi, Georgia

Organizers: Georgian Ecotourism Association Team


In the era of climate change and an increasing number of eco migrants, the international community is focusing on conservation of nature. In spite of the multiple changes and shocks – from man-made crises, to natural disasters and economic crises from which the world is still recovering – tourism has always bounced back, proving its resilience and capacity to rebound.

Europe’s diverse landscapes, vital to rural economies and attractive for tourists, are changing because of climate change and the negative impact of unsustainable human behavior. One of the current challenges is ensuring tourism sustainability that contributes positively to the 2030 Agenda. Tourism has the potential to contribute, directly or indirectly, to all the 17 United Nations Global Sustainable Development Goals. A clear implementation framework, adequate financing, and investments in technology, infrastructure and human resources are required to achieve this agenda.

EuroEco 2018 is the 5th European Ecotourism Conference that will be held in Tbilisi, Georgia from 10th to 14th September 2018. The conference will be focused on the advancement of sustainability goals in the tourism industry worldwide. EuroEco 2018 invites innovative minds to share ideas and solutions from all over the world for inspiring future changes. The three-day conference will include sessions and panel discussions about Ecotourism and its contribution to poverty reduction, Ecotourism and education of future tourism managers, digital storytelling, trans boundary trails and cooperation, Protected Areas as drive for economic development, and climate change & European Ecotourism.

 The conference mission is to offer invaluable learning and networking opportunities, to share information and successes, and to provide a platform for stakeholders including researchers, academics and tourism professionals to present their ecotourism research and case studies. We will discuss the challenges facing ecotourism with international partners, and exchange ideas, opportunities and solutions for the sustainable tourism industry.

Tourism Toward 2030 highlights that along with the opportunity, challenges arise in maximizing economic, social and environmental benefits and minimizing negative impacts. In other words, all tourism development needs to be guided by the principles of sustainable development, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities.

Join us in Tbilisi to:

  • Get the latest information on approaches and good practice in Ecotourism
  • Meet and learn from respected professionals in the field of sustainable development
  • Participate in setting the direction for Ecotourism development in Europe
  • Get inspiration globally and take the opportunity to network and meet new partners

Call for papers and Speakers

Therefore, the ambition of this Conference is to explore the ecotourism role and position in development, opening new avenues for contribution to ongoing debates. Accordingly, while keeping this call for papers and paper sessions open to all aspects of Ecotourism development, we are particularly interested in contributions that cover the following topics:

  1. Ecotourism as instrument for poverty reduction and its role in the circular economy
  2. Ecotourism in the digital century – digital storytelling, virtual travel itineraries
  3. Ecotourism in the education of future tourism managers
  4. Transboundary trails and cooperation’s in Ecotourism – Eco-corridors 
  5. Ecotourism Destinations - Protected Areas as for economic development
  6. Climate change & European Ecotourism: impacts, challenges and solutions
  7. Ecotourism business models – successful examples
  8. Eco labeling for sustainable tourism

The topics listed above are also those that our intended keynote speakers (to be announced later) are supposed to address.

Paper presentations are expected to receive between 25 and 30 minutes (but at least 20, depending on the number of submissions), including 5-10 minutes for discussions.

Please note:

All Congress sessions will be held in English; therefore, all submissions must be in English.

Length of Abstracts: 100-300 words;

Dead line for papers: 31 May 2018

Paper confirmation: 5 June 2018

Dead line of submitting Papers:  31 July 2018

Please, read carefully these guidelines for ABSTRACT and PAPERS writing.

Guidelines of Abstracts:

Volume: From 200 to 500 words in English ready for printing MS Word for Windows format (.doc or .docx);

Font: Arial; font size - 11 pt., single spacing;

Title: in bold type, capital letters, Arial, font size - 16 pt.;

Name of authors: font size - 14 pt. (without degrees);

Affiliations: Include data for the authors at the end of the abstract as follows:

  • degrees, name, family name
  • work place
  • address for contact
  • telephone, fax number, e-mail

Abstracts should be sent to, applicants will receive a confirmation email upon paper submission and registration completion. If you have trouble receiving these emails, please look for them in your spam folder or please contact Georgian Ecotourism Association organizing committee on


Basic conference fee: 80 Euros (50 Euros for students)

Included in the basic fee are: the full workshop program (excluding the extended field session), lunches, coffee breaks, a lavish Georgian dinner and a field trip across Tbilisi’s environs, covering the new Ecotourism products in there.

In addition to the above, several flavors of field sessions are proposed:

One day – Protected Areas of Vashlovani, Kakheti region;

Two days – Martvili canyon natural monument and Kolkheti National Park in Samegrelo region, Machakheli valley in Adjara region.

For the registration please follow the link:

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