


On May 12-14, within the events Ilia State University turns 10 years old, the 12th Conference of Rectors from the Black Sea Region, BSUN Congress 2016 is planned to be held on the topic “Changing Role of the University in a Global and Regional Context.”

Within the congress, the inauguration ceremony of Rector Dr. Giga Zedania, new President of the BSUN will be held. Mr. Zedania will preside over the network for the next two years, before 2018. 

At the Congress, Dr. Wilhelm Krull, Secretary General of Volkswagen Foundation, will make a speech on the topic “Creative Culture of the University.” Wilhelm Krull will also be announced as an honorary doctor of Ilia State University.

Few words regarding BSUN Congress 2016 and the 12th Conference of Rectors from the Black Sea Region:

Changing Role of the University in a Global and Regional Context.

Key Issues to Discuss

Three top missions of the University: teaching, research and social-economic development;
Role of the University in the regional development, examples from the Black Sea Region;
Internationalization – Challenges and Capabilities of Higher Education System in the Regional, European and Global Context.

At the Congress speeches will be made by the participants as follows:
Rector of the University of Belgrade, Professor Vladimir Bumbasirevic, BSUN Secretary General, Prof. Eden Mamut, Secretary General of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC), Michael Christides, President of the Council of the Mediterranean Universities Society, Prof. Gulshan Saglamer, Chief of UN Academic Impact Secretariat, Mr. Ramu Damodaran, Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, Asap Hajiev, President of Engineering School of the Mediterranean Network, Abdelmajid Ben Amar, President of the European Research Council, Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, Secretary General of the European Universities Association, Dr. Secretary General, Leslie Wilson, President of the European Universities Association, Prof. Rolf Tarrach, etc.

Congress comprises closed as well as public meetings. Comprehensive programme of the congress will be presented on the website of Ilia State University.

Short information regarding the Black Sea University Network
BSUN is a cooperative system of the academic institutions of the Black Sea region facilitating development of cooperation between the universities and harmonious co-existence of education, scientific research, innovations and cultural cooperation.
At present, the Network includes 120 universities from the 12 member countries of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation as Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Moldova,
Romania, Serbia, Russian Federation, Turkey and Ukraine.

For further information visit:
Date: May 12-14

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